Simple React-Bootstrap component for country selection.
This component depends on React-Bootstrap Input component. It assumes you have React and React-Bootstrap vendors are included into your application.
Download file and include it into your sources. Pay attention it is a ReactJS component made with JSX syntax.
- Clone the repo with command git clone
- You do not need any server side to estimate an example. Just go to cloned directory and open index.html at your favorite browser.
- After the page loads you should see a demo application with used react-bootstrap-country-input inside.
As a country provider this component use REST API provided by I would like to say thank you for Fayder for such perfect REST countries provider.
When user select any country from the list the component call callback function named onCountryChanged
. Inside this function you have access to the country model. This model contains next fields:
(think about it as ID)name
If you wana use some raw array instead of API call you can provide such array of models assuming that models should contain afore-mentioned fields.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
label | string | 'Country' | text to display for label
placeholder | string | 'Select country' | placeholder to display inside input box
countryAPI | string | '' | function to call to get countries
defaultCountryCode | string | undefined | default country code to select
firstEmptyRow | bool | true | whether show empty row as input value
onCountryChanged | func | empty function | method executed when user select any country from the list: `function(countryModel)`
countries | array | [] | instead of countryAPI you can provide a list of countries as an array
language | array | 'en' | you can set a language for translation when you use countries API. Available translations are : `de, es, fr, ja, it, en`