A simple script to send Monit alerts to you via SMS with Twilio.
Monit only sends alert notifications via email out of the box, but also provides a hook to execute a script. When executing the script, Monit sets a few environment variables about the alert.
This tiny script transforms those variables into a text message and pipes them to Twilio's twilio-sms bash script for delivery.
Put your Twilio credentials in twiliorc and upload it to the user's home directory (probably root
, since Monit runs as root
Upload twilio-sms and monit2twilio to /usr/local/bin
and make them executable (e.g. 0755
Then, wire up any Monit alerts that you'd like:
check file nginx.pid with path /var/run/nginx.pid
if changed timestamp then exec "/usr/local/bin/monit2twilio" as uid root and gid root
There's also an Ansible playbook if you're so inclined.