Python library for Sequent Microsystems 8-RELAY card.
With lib8relay you can:
- Write one relay state.
- Write all 8 relays state (on the same card) at one time.
- Read one relay state
- Read all 8 relays state (on the same card) at one time.
To download lib8relay, either fork this github repo or simply use Pypi via pip.
$ pip install lib8relay
Now you can import the lib8relay library and use its functions. To test, read relays status from the board with stack level 0:
~$ python
Python 2.7.9 (default, Sep 17 2016, 20:26:04)
[GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import lib8relay
>>> lib8relay.get_all(0)
Set one relay state.
stack - stack level of the 8-Relay card (selectable from address jumpers [0..7])
relay - relay number (id) [1..8]
value - relay state 1: turn ON, 0: turn OFF[0..1]
Set all relays state.
stack - stack level of the 8-Relay card (selectable from address jumpers [0..7])
value - 8 bit value of all relays (ex: 255: turn on all relays, 0: turn off all relays, 1:turn on relay #1 and off the rest)
Get one relay state.
stack - stack level of the 8-Relay card (selectable from address jumpers [0..7])
relay - relay number (id) [1..8]
return 0 == relay off; 1 - relay on
Return the state of all relays.
stack - stack level of the 8-Relay card (selectable from address jumpers [0..7])
return - [0..255]