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Add chip 8 emulator.
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Alexander Gitter committed Sep 18, 2014
0 parents commit 989a846
Showing 1 changed file with 395 additions and 0 deletions.
395 changes: 395 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
import sys, pygame, random
from pygame import *

pixelwidth = pixelheight = 7
pixelx = 64
pixely = 32
size = width, height = pixelx*pixelwidth, pixely*pixelheight
black = 0, 0, 0
white = 255, 255, 255
autorun = True
printops = False

keymap = [K_KP0, K_KP1, K_KP2, K_KP3,
K_KP4, K_KP5, K_KP6, K_KP7,
K_KP8, K_KP9, K_a, K_b,
K_c, K_d, K_e, K_f]

def reset():
global regTimer, regSound, regPC, stack, regI, regV, memory, waitforkey

waitforkey = -1
regTimer = 0
regSound = 0
regPC = 0x200
stack = []
regI = 0
regV = [0 for i in range(16)]

memory = [0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xF0, #0 @ 0x0
0x20, 0x60, 0x20, 0x20, 0x70, #1 @ 0x5
0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, #2 @ 0xa
0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, #3 @ 0xf
0x90, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x10, 0x10, #4 @ 0x15
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, #5 @ 0x1a
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, #6 @ 0x1f
0xF0, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x40, #7 @ 0x25
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, #8 @ 0x2a
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, #9 @ 0x2f
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, #A @ 0x35
0xE0, 0x90, 0xE0, 0x90, 0xE0, #B @ 0x3a
0xF0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xF0, #C @ 0x3f
0xE0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xE0, #D @ 0x45
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, #E @ 0x4a
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x80] #F @ 0x4f

memory.extend([0 for i in range(len(memory), 512)])

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
memory.extend(map(lambda a: ord(a), list(
print "no argument given"

memory.extend([0 for i in range(len(memory), 4096)])

def getSprite(byte):
res = []
for i in range(8):
if (byte & (0x80 >> i)) != 0:

return res

class KeyPad:
def __init__(self):
self.keys = [False for i in range(16)]

def down(self, key):
global waitforkey, regV
for i, v in enumerate(keymap):
if key == v:
self.keys[i] = True

if waitforkey >= 0 and waitforkey <= 0xf:
regV[waitforkey] = i
waitforkey = -1


def up(self, key):
for i, v in enumerate(keymap):
if key == v:
self.keys[i] = False

def isPressed(self, hexkey):
return self.keys[hexkey]

class Opcode:
def __init__(self, opcode):

def set(self, opcode):
self.opcode = opcode
self.b1 = (self.opcode & 0xff00) >> 8
self.b2 = self.opcode & 0xff
self.n1 = (self.b1 & 0xf0) >> 4
self.n2 = self.b1 & 0xf
self.n3 = (self.b2 & 0xf0) >> 4
self.n4 = self.b2 & 0xf = self.n2 << 8 | self.b2

def __str__(self):
if self.opcode == 0x00E0:
return "CLS"
elif self.opcode == 0x00EE:
return "RET"
elif self.n1 == 0x1:
return "JP " + hex(
elif self.n1 == 0x2:
return "CALL " + hex(
elif self.n1 == 0x3:
return "SE V" + str(self.n2) + ", " + str(self.b2)
elif self.n1 == 0x4:
return "SNE V" + str(self.n2) + ", " + str(self.b2)
elif self.n1 == 0x5:
return "SE V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0x6:
return "LD V" + str(self.n2) + ", " + str(self.b2)
elif self.n1 == 0x7:
return "ADD V" + str(self.n2) + ", " + str(self.b2)
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0x0:
return "LD V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0x1:
return "OR V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0x2:
return "AND V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0x3:
return "XOR V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0x4:
return "ADD V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0x5:
return "SUB V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0x6:
return "SHR V" + str(self.n2) + " {, V" + str(self.n3) + "}"
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0x7:
return "SUBN V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0x8 and self.n4 == 0xE:
return "SHL V" + str(self.n2) + " {, V" + str(self.n3) + "}"
elif self.n1 == 0x9:
return "SNE V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3)
elif self.n1 == 0xa:
return "LD I, " + hex(
elif self.n1 == 0xb:
return "JP V0, " + hex( + ", " + hex(b2)
elif self.n1 == 0xc:
return "RND V" + str(self.n2) + ", " + hex(self.b2)
elif self.n1 == 0xd:
return "DRW V" + str(self.n2) + ", V" + str(self.n3) + ", " + str(self.n4)
elif self.n1 == 0xe and self.b2 == 0x9e:
return "SKP V" + str(self.n2)
elif self.n1 == 0xe and self.b2 == 0xa1:
return "SKP V" + str(self.n2)
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x07:
return "LD V" + str(self.n2) + ", DT"
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x0a:
return "LD V" + str(self.n2) + ", K"
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x15:
return "LD DT, V" + str(self.n2)
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x18:
return "LD ST, V" + str(self.n2)
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x1e:
return "ADD I, V" + str(self.n2)
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x29:
return "LD F, V" + str(self.n2)
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x33:
return "LD B, V" + str(self.n2)
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x55:
return "LD [I], V" + str(self.n2)
elif self.n1 == 0xf and self.b2 == 0x65:
return "LD V" + str(self.n2) + ", [I]"
return hex(self.opcode) + " (no decode)"

class Screen:
def __init__(self):
self.mem = [[False for i in range(pixely)] for j in range(pixelx)]
self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(size)

def cls(self):
#self.mem = [[False for i in range(pixely)] for j in range(pixelx)]
for x in range(pixelx):
for y in range(pixely):
self.mem[x][y] = False

def set(self, x, y, val):
x = x % pixelx
y = y % pixely
pxdeleted = self.mem[x][y]

self.mem[x][y] = self.mem[x][y] ^ val
rect = pygame.Rect([x*pixelwidth, y*pixelheight, pixelwidth, pixelheight])

if self.mem[x][y]:
self.surface.fill(white, rect)
self.surface.fill(black, rect)

return pxdeleted and not self.mem[x][y]

def draw(self, vx, vy, size):
startx = regV[vx]
starty = regV[vy]
regV[0xf] = 0x0
for y in range(size):
sprite = getSprite(memory[regI + y])
for x in range(8):
posx = startx + x
posy = starty + y
if self.set(posx, posy, sprite[x]) == True: regV[0xf] = 0x1

def printState():
global regV, stack, regI, regTimer, regSound, regPC, memory

for i in range(8):
print "V" + str(i) + "=" + str(regV[i]),
for i in range(8, 16):
print "V" + str(i) + "=" + str(regV[i]),

print "regI=" + hex(regI) + " (" + hex(memory[regI]) + " " + hex(memory[regI+1]) + ")"
print "regPC=" + hex(regPC) + " (" + str(Opcode(memory[regPC] << 8 | memory[regPC+1])) + ")"
print "delay=" + hex(regTimer)
print "sound=" + hex(regSound)
print "stack: " + str(stack)

def add(a, b, cb = True):
global regV
result = a + b

if cb == True:
if result > 255:
regV[0xf] = 1
regV[0xf] = 0

return result & 0xff

def sub(a, b, cb = True): #a - b
global regV

if cb == True:
if a > b:
regV[0xf] = 1
regV[0xf] = 0

return (a + ~b + 1) & 0xff

def process():
global regTimer, regSound, regPC, stack, regI, regV, memory, screen, keys, waitforkey, autorun

if waitforkey >= 0 and waitforkey <= 0xf: return
op = Opcode(memory[regPC] << 8 | memory[regPC+1])
if printops: print hex(regPC) + ": " + str(op)

regPC = regPC + 2

if op.opcode == 0x00E0:
elif op.opcode == 0x00EE:
regPC = stack.pop()
elif op.n1 == 0x1:
regPC =
elif op.n1 == 0x2:
regPC =
elif op.n1 == 0x3:
if regV[op.n2] == op.b2: regPC = regPC + 2
elif op.n1 == 0x4:
if regV[op.n2] != op.b2: regPC = regPC + 2
elif op.n1 == 0x5:
if regV[op.n2] == regV[op.n3]: regPC = regPC + 2
elif op.n1 == 0x6:
regV[op.n2] = op.b2
elif op.n1 == 0x7:
regV[op.n2] = add(regV[op.n2], op.b2, False)
elif op.n1 == 0x8 and op.n4 == 0x0:
regV[op.n2] = regV[op.n3]
elif op.n1 == 0x8 and op.n4 == 0x1:
regV[op.n2] = regV[op.n2] | regV[op.n3]
elif op.n1 == 0x8 and op.n4 == 0x2:
regV[op.n2] = regV[op.n2] & regV[op.n3]
elif op.n1 == 0x8 and op.n4 == 0x3:
regV[op.n2] = regV[op.n2] ^ regV[op.n3]
elif op.n1 == 0x8 and op.n4 == 0x4:
regV[op.n2] = add(regV[op.n2], regV[op.n3])
elif op.n1 == 0x8 and op.n4 == 0x5:
regV[op.n2] = sub(regV[op.n2], regV[op.n3])
elif op.n1 == 0x8 and op.n4 == 0x6:
if (regV[op.n2] & 0x1) != 0: regV[0xf] = 1
else: regV[0xf] = 0
regV[op.n2] = (regV[op.n2] >> 1) & 0xff
elif op.n1 == 0x8 and op.n4 == 0xe:
if (regV[op.n2] & 0x80) != 0: regV[0xf] = 1
else: regV[0xf] = 0
regV[op.n2] = (regV[op.n2] << 1) & 0xff
elif op.n1 == 0x9:
if regV[op.n2] != regV[op.n3]: regPC = regPC + 2
elif op.n1 == 0xa:
regI =
elif op.n1 == 0xb:
regPC = + regV[0]
elif op.n1 == 0xc:
regV[op.n2] = random.randint(0, 255) & op.b2
elif op.n1 == 0xd:
screen.draw(op.n2, op.n3, op.n4)
elif op.n1 == 0xe and op.b2 == 0x9e:
if keys.isPressed(regV[op.n2]): regPC = regPC + 2
elif op.n1 == 0xe and op.b2 == 0xa1:
if not keys.isPressed(regV[op.n2]): regPC = regPC + 2
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x07:
regV[op.n2] = regTimer
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x0a:
waitforkey = op.n2
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x15:
regTimer = regV[op.n2]
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x18:
regSound = regV[op.n2]
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x1e:
regI = (regI + regV[op.n2]) & 0xffff
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x29:
regI = 5 * regV[op.n2]
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x33:
memory[regI] = regV[op.n2] / 100
memory[regI+1] = (regV[op.n2] % 100) / 10
memory[regI+2] = (regV[op.n2] % 10)
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x55:
for p in range(op.n2+1): memory[regI + p] = regV[p]
elif op.n1 == 0xf and op.b2 == 0x65:
for p in range(op.n2+1): regV[p] = memory[regI + p]
print hex(op.opcode) + " (not implemented)"

def updateTimers():
global lastTime, regTimer, regSound

cycles = (pygame.time.get_ticks() - lastTime) / 17

if cycles > 0:
regTimer = regTimer - cycles
regSound = regSound - cycles
lastTime = pygame.time.get_ticks()

if regTimer < 0: regTimer = 0
if regSound < 0: regSound = 0

screen = Screen()
keys = KeyPad()

lastTime = pygame.time.get_ticks()

def main():
global autorun, printops, screen
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_F2:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_F4:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_F1:
autorun = not autorun
if autorun == True:
pygame.key.set_repeat(500, 10)
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_F3:
printops = not printops
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_F5:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if autorun: process()


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