This is a backup for my current OS, including some configurations and a package list.
Note: This is Arch Linux, so every package has been installed through pacman packet manager, don't try to blindly replace every config file in your system even if is also archlinux if you don't know exactly what are you doing, or you'll find issues and incompatibilities!
- alacritty Terminal
- doom Doom emacs (kind of IDE)
- nvim Neovim text editor
- polybar Status bar
- qtile Window manager
- rofi Program launcher
- rofi theme (Not included) Rofi theme, im using Squared North
- firefox theme (Not included) Firefox theme
Unforunately, I don't remember all the dependencies needed :c, but here are some of them, apart from the program for the module itself:
- nerd fonts: Icon font pack
- Youtube videos took so long to load in any browser and freezes the browser window, I solved the issue updating something related to mpeg or changing pulseaudio to pipewire
- Can't autostart polybar, I have to manually run
.config/polybar/ --blocks