- Author(s): Abdel, Noelia;
- Download stable version;
- Download development version.
This addon was created following a request from a member on the nvda-addons mailing list.
It provides a keyboard shortcut, NVDA + F4, which allows to retrieve and give the language of the current keyboard.
If pressed twice, gives the default language of the system.
At the first version of this module, it had been proposed as simple globalPlugin to paste in the configuration directory of NVDA, it was then transformed into addon.
If the NVDA + F4 keyboard shortcut conflicts with another command, you can change it by going to the Preferences menu of NVDA, in the "Input gestures" submenu.
You will then find the script in the "System status" category.
- The addon has been renamed from getCurKeyboardLanguage to sayCurrentKeyboardLanguage;
- Added the GPL license to the addon;
- Added the script getCurKeyboardLanguage to the "System status" category;
- Fixed some errors in the code.
- Initial version.