This package exists to make my personal convenience functions portable and easy to share.
You can install the development version of aleksandeR from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
The functions of this package all belong to one of the following types:
- Formatting/output (great for Quarto or Rmarkdown)
- ggplot themes
- Misc. functions
I currently have format_num()
that formats numbers in a way that
conforms to nothern european number presentation standards.
All my custom themes are very close to either ggplot2::theme_minimal()
or cowplot::theme_cowplot()
but have my own twists and personal
defaults integrated. The themes are created for each type of plot and
can be called individually or through the aptly named
This includes pkg_bib()
This package is built with the instructions from the great package-book R Packages (2e).
For the themes I try to do test-driven development. It was first introduced to me in the great video series by Pat Schloss. Take a look if you’re interested. Video link