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Simply run the docker-compose up command. This will start the appropriate containers and the application will be available at http://localhost:8081
Note: you must build the go binary before running the docker-compose up command.
A bit more of info can be found in the individual README file of each service. But in general, the application is composed of 3 services:
- logger: this service logs the connection status, using a simple ping command in the console. It pings periodically, every 15 seconds. A ruby script is run every hour, which analyzes the logs results, and saves disconnection events in a sqlite3 database.
- api: minimal api, that exposes the disconnection events saved in the sqlite3 database. It has a single endpoint, that returns the disconnection events in a json format. It is written in Go.
- frontend: vuejs frontend using bulma, that consumes the api and displays the disconnection events in a table.
When running docker compose, a volume is created. This volume is shared between the logger and the api services. The logs and the databse are stored in this volume, so they are persisted between runs.