A lightweight Angular library to detect the active section.
- Super smooth!
- Works for nested and dynamically generated elements
- Supports multiple spies
- No other dependencies
First install the library.
npm install @aleesaan/ng-scrollspy
Then import the NgScrollSpyModule in your module.
import { NgScrollSpyModule } from 'ng-scrollspy';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
The NgScrollSpyModule comes with a directive and a service.
The scrollSpyElement
directive has to be applied on the elements to be spied, together with a unique id
<h2 scrollSpyElement id="firstSpiedElement">
I am the first being spied!
In your component, on AfterViewInit
, you can subscribe to the ScrollSpyService
for updates on the currently active section:
import { ScrollSpyService } from 'ng-scrollspy';
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
constructor(private scrollSpy: ScrollSpyService) {}
public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
private subsribeScrollSpy(): void {
.subscribe((section: string): void => {
console.log(`${section} is active!`);
You might need to have different spies at the same time, like in a page with multiple menus.
You can specify this as an input to the directive:
<h2 scrollSpyElement scrollSpyId="sub-menu" id="subMenuElement1">
I am the first spied element of a sub menu!
In the service, you can then subscribe to the spy you specified:
.subscribe((subSection: string): void => {
console.log(`${subSection} is active!`);
Just make sure to call your additional spies something other than default
, which is used for the (you guessed it) default spy.