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My personal website that I built from scratch (guess who loves to code?) :)


  1. Install Go 1.18 and Node LTS 18 on your machine.
  2. Create an .xyzrc in the repo root for setting the required env vars (see Configuration section)
  3. Install Node packages using npm install
  4. Set the required env vars using source .xyzrc
  5. Start the Gin app with make go (this requires restart when changes are made in Go code)
  6. Start the React webpack server with make react-dev


  • For React app: insert debugger statement in code, and go to developer tools in browser.
  • For Gin app: place breakpoint in VS Code, generate launch.json with make go-debug-config, and debug via Run and Debug in VS Code.


export S3_HOST='' 
export BUCKET_NAME='name-of-s3-bucket-for-uploading-static-files'
export PORT=8000
export IBM_CLOUD_API_KEY='ibm-cloud-service-id-api-key-secret-value'



  • The front-end is a Material UI React app written in TypeScript.
  • The back-end is a Gin app written in Go.
  • The database is NoSQL using Cloudant.


  • The app is hosted on Heroku.
  • Static files are uploaded and served using IBM Cloud Object Storage.
  • The database is an IBM Cloud Cloudant instance.
  • IBM Cloud service IDs and API keys are used to give CircleCI and the Gin app access to IBM Cloud Object Storage and Cloudant, respectively.
  • A Heroku API key is used in CircleCI for continuously deploying the service.


  • E2E tests are written using Cypress and JavaScript.


  • Every master commit is automatically built, deployed, and E2E tested using CircleCI.
  • E2E tests are executed daily using CircleCI.