Angular directive for popular jquery plugin "jQuery query builder" (see
Eample of usage:
You can find source code under the 'docs' folder
- Angular >= 1.3.0 (only Angular 1 is supported)
- jQuery >= 1.10
- via bower: by running
$ bower install angular-jq-querybuilder
from your terminal - via npm: by running
$ npm install -g angular-jq-querybuilder
from your terminal
Use folowing directive:
<query-builder options="options" builder="qb"></query-builder>
Required attribute, plain js object. The same object as you use to initialize jQueryQueryBuilder with filters, rules and other fields:
filters: [ ... ]
Not required, plain js object. After builder initialization is completed will be populated by property .builder which will contain builder object
- QueryBuilderValueChanged. Event fires after any changes in builder values has happened (value is changed, rule/group is added/deleted, operator is changed, group condition is changed)
Please note that 2-way binding is not implemented so changes in 'options' attribute don't lead to builder update. It was done this way because of performance impact and some problem with circular updates (but may be will be implemented in future). You have to handle it by yourself:
- After rules object changes just call queryBuilder.setRules(newRules) method
- After any other options changes (for instance in filter) you need to reinstantiate builder (because there is no API in jquery). The simpliest way to do this is add ng-if into directive, switch it to false and then back to true:
<query-builder ng-if="builderVisible" options="options" builder="qb"></query-builder>
reinitializeFilter = function() {
scope.builderVisible = false
$timeout(function() {
return $scope.builderVisible = true;
}, 50);
And vice versa: rules object is not updated after it's updated from UI. You have to manually collect new rules by invoking .getRules()