Project | Technologies | How to run | License
Happy is an application that connects people to institutional care homes to make many children happier.
Project made in Next Level Week #3 @Rocketseat
# Clone repository
$ git clone
# Go to server folder
$ cd nlw3-happy/backend
# Install Dependencies
$ yarn install
# Run Aplication
$ yarn dev
# Go to web folder
$ cd nlw3-happy/web
# Install Dependencies
$ yarn install
# Run Aplication
$ yarn start
To run the mobile project you need a cellphone with the app of expo instaled or a emulator android/ios. Then, fork this repository and clone to your machine. Inside of the project's folder run the following commands:
# Go to mobile folder
$ cd nlw3-happy/mobile
# Install Dependencies
$ yarn install
# Run Aplication
$ yarn start
Then read the QRCode with the app's Expo or run on emulator.
This project is under the MIT license. See the file LICENSE for more details.