Sitecore Extensions is a google chrome/firefox extension which provides small improvements for Sitecore CMS.
- Sitecore XMCloud
- Sitecore.NET 8.0 and newer (full)
- Sitecore.NET 7.5 (partial)
- Sitecore.NET 7.2 (partial)
- Sitecore.NET 7.1 (partial)
- Sitecore.NET 7.0 (partial)
- Launcher - launch Sitecore commands using command omnibox,
- Collapse all sections - you can collapse all opened sections in Content Editor with just one click,
- Expand all sections - you can expand all opened sections in Content Editor with just one click,
- Database name - Displays current database name in the Content Editor header,
- Database color - Change the global header color depending on current database,
- Icon color - changes color to red when using Sitecore on current tab, otherwise will be grayed,
- Field Search - quickly find a field or section in the Content view in Content Editor,
- Restore Last Location - restores last opened item in Content Editor,
- Toggle Ribbon - small button which allows you to hide whole ribbon while working in Experience Editor,
- Tree Auto Expand - it will automatically expand tree structure if there is only one child under expanded item,
- Tree Scope - give an ability to scope a content tree to the currently selected item,
- Field Inspector - go to field, inspect field name, reset value to
__Standard values
, - Add Here - extends AddHere button in ExperienceEditor with placeholder name,
- Treelist Field - extension adds path of the item inside treelist field,
- Go to item - quickly navigate to an item selected in link fields (
,Name Lookup Value List
), - Placeholder - remove all renderings from the placeholder with one click,
- Quick Info Extender - additional buttons for quick info section in Content Editor,
- Scroll To Item - automatically scrolls to the active tree node in Content Editor upon item change
More information about all available feature with gif
demos can be found here
If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, please see the document How to Contribute
Follow steps below if you want to start coding.
If you want avoid nodejs on your machine use docker to build project inside container.
Install nodejs
Clone repository
git clone
Install node modules
npm install
Build project
npm run build
Run watch task if you want dynamic code rebuild in the background
npm run watch
If you are tired of downloading all those modules there is a quicker way.
Open PowerShell Console and run following code:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
choco install nodejs.install -y
choco install git.install -y
choco install visualstudiocode -y
choco install googlechrome -y
git clone
npm install
If needed remove unnecessary choco packages.
Install docker
Connect to a node container
Run build command inside container
node@21dc36488c7b:/data/app$ npm run build
are shared between host and container. Container was introduced only to exclude need of having node installed.
Image available on dockerhub