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Data Acquisition Toolbox

Data Acquisition customized from Symphony for performing Multi-electrode patch clamp recordings.


It uses ToolboxToolbox for dependency management


  1. Download and install ToolboxToolbox from above link
  2. git clone into projects/data-acquisition
  3. To update tbUseProject('data-acquisition')

Folder organization

  1. Like symphony, it follows maven style folder organization
  2. All the dependencies goes into .lib folder


  1. Add the data-acquisition\src\main\matlab and sa-labs-extension\src\main\matlab to symphony class path settings
  2. Add symphony_startup.m and symphony_cleanup.m to symphony startup and clean up settings
  3. Restart the Symphony

Matlab dependencies

Dependency hierarchy
    |____ app-toolboxes
    |        |____ mdepin (Matlab dependency injection framework) 
    |        |____ appbox (Model view presenter based user interface)
    |        |____ Java Table Wrapper
    |        |____ Property Grid     
    |        |____ Matlab tree data structure  
    |        |____ Jsonlab 
    |        |____ Logging for Matlab        
    |        |____ Matlab Query (LINQ style query processor)         
    |____ sa-labs-extension (Stimulus protocols, common rig and device configurations)
    |        |____ Symphony2 & Stage VSS (run time dependency)
    |                |___ appbox 
    |___ sa-labs-analysis-core
    |        |____ app-toolboxes                            
    |____ matlab-lcr (Light crafter c++ bindings for Matlab)
    |____ calibration-module (Stimulus calibration toolbox)
            |___ Matlab persistence architecture (ORM-based persistence architecture)