This repository uses a Recurrent Neural Network (with 3-stacked GRU cells) for reconstructs quantum states/
This implementation is based on the findings of the following paper .
Before running the code, please ensure you have the following:
For a quick start, please ensure the following.
Clone the repository:
In an appropriate directory run the following command on your Terminal:
git clone
Make sure you
into the right 3-GRU-Phases-of-Matter/
By following the above instructions, the data will be saved in a folder of directory:
Please ensure you remember the name of your data directory.
Train your model:
The Recurrent Neural Network has been created using PyTorch. To start training, please run the following command on your Terminal:
You will be asked to enter some parameters prior to training.
After each batch, an error is printed & the model is saved in the directory (with format
Evaluate your model:
After training your model, you can test the quality of your model (i.e. calculate Classical & Quantum Fidelity). To do so, please run:
Upon running, the user will be asked to provide:
- Name of the saved model
- Number of samples to be generated from the saved model
- Name of the original data file that was used to train the saved mode
Please note: For smaller systems, Quantum Fidelity is calculated using the overlap matrix. And for larger systems, Quantum Fidelity is calculated using a Monte-Carlo Approximation
Make a github issue 😄. Please be as clear and descriptive as possible. Please feel free to reach out in person: (akshat[DOT]nigam[AT]mail[DOT]utoronto[DOT]ca)
A special thanks to the author of the Reconstructing quantum states with generative models: Dr. Juan Carrasquilla
Also, the creator of __________