This repository contains the source code for the Akash Network website.
Clone the repository using git to your local machine.
git clone
The repo uses git submodules, pull the latest changes from the community repo.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Optionally, for existing repositories, you can pull the latest changes from the community repo using the following command.
git submodule update --remote
Install the dependencies using npm.
npm install
npm run server
npm run import:community
Changelog is automatically generated from commit messages. Please follow Conventional Commits when writing commit messages. See this: post for more information.
$ npm run release
# minor release
$ npm run release:minor
# patch release
$ npm run release:patch
# major release
$ npm run release:major
For all design contributions please visit our guidelines
Please run Google Lighthouse and SEO audits before submitting a PR. The v1.0.0 release scores are as follows:
- Homepage
- Write draft copy for benefits and features
- Add "latest from the blog"
- Add copyright in the footer
- Design homepage
- Implement 1st draft of homepage design
- Add subscribe to newsletter
- Add Privacy page
- Link Get Started to Docs
- Social Media Preview
- [-] Add connect with community
- (Stretch) Add Case studies preview
- Blog
- Render images in related blog posts
- Fetch Author from DatoCMS
- Fetch Tags and Categories from DatoCMS
- Add By Year Filter for Blog
- Import Images from DatoCMS
- Community
- Implement: Text Community Page
- Add News Section
- Add Contributors Section
- Token
- Add Token Metrics (Build time) on Token Page
- Docs
- Replace tokenizer with text replace
- Import all Docs
- Misc
- (Stretch) Enable GoAT diagram support (migrate away from doks)
- Enable Social Media preview
- Conduct Performance Audit (Google Lighthouse) and implement recommendations
- Conduct SEO Audit and implement recommendations
- Ecosystem (Stretch)
- Feature: Ecosystem Page
- Add Case Studies
- Development Documentation
- Add a "How to contribute" section to the README
- Add a "How to run the website locally" section to the README