Hello Everyone!👋
Septocode 21 is a 21 days programming event for students to develop basic programming skills which will be helpful to them while working in various domains in future while inculcating a habit to code daily.🧑💻
Starting from 21st September, all the contributors will be provided with simple programming questions, one per day, which can be written using any programming language such as C/C++/Java/Python or any language of preference and will be submitted every day. The contributor has to submit the code and the output generated through google forms which will be accepted after thorough checking. 👨💻
- The question of each day will be available from the start of the day.
- The submission form will be open from 10:00am to 11:59pm each day.
- Check the question of the day in the GitHub repository. (You may download the question or fork the repository)
- Download the test cases file.
- You can then start working on the question.
The google form mentioned below is where the code file and output file are to be submitted on a daily basis.⏲️
Google form - submission_link
To generate the output file, follow the below instructions in the command prompt:
Firstly, make sure that the code and output file are in the same directory.
Then from the directory, open command prompt.
Type the code shown below in the cmd for the language of your preference.
i. For C++/C
g++/gcc file.cpp -o file.exe file.exe < ip.txt > op.txt
ii. For Java
javac file.java file.class < ip.txt > op.txt
iii. For Python
python file.py < ip.txt > op.txt
We have provided a video for your better understanding of how to submit the files.
submission_demo (Please ctrl/cmd+click on the link, the thing you are trying doesn't work on github ) 🤷
The program files should be submitted, strictly following the naming convention mentioned.
The name format for the file submission is:
Code File: name_dayNo.extension
Eg: RupeshMishra_day1.py(if your code is in python)
Output File: name_dayNo_output.txt
Eg: RupeshMishra_day1_output.txt
- C
- C++
- Java
- Python
You are not bound to these 4 languages only. Feel free to code in any other language and contact us while facing any problems.
There will be a very meticulous checking of all the code and output files so please refrain from performing any sort of plagiarism following which you will not be allowed to participate further in the event. ❌
- Only those partcipants who make a valid submission on each of the 21 days shall be eligible for the Certificate.
If you have any queries , please reach out to us on discord.
Happy Coding!✨