akahu - v1.15.3 / AkahuClient
The AkahuClient provides a simple interface to the Akahu API and utilities that assist with common usage patterns.
AkahuClient uses axios under the hood to make API requests. A subset of axios request options can be passed through to the underlying axios instance using the options available in AkahuClientConfig.
In the case of an error while making an API request, you can expect to handle one of the following two exceptions:
- AkahuErrorResponse When an error response is returned from the API
- AxiosError when an error occurred during the request process, but no response was received (i.e. due to network issues).
- auth
- identities
- users
- connections
- categories
- accounts
- payments
- transfers
- transactions
- webhooks
- parties
• new AkahuClient(config
Name | Type |
config |
AkahuClientConfig |
• auth: AuthResource
Utilities for authorizing users using OAuth2.
• identities: IdentitiesResource
Utilities for requesting identity verification using OAuth2.
• users: UsersResource
Utilities for retrieving information about the Akahu user.
• connections: ConnectionsResource
Utilities to view connections that are available to your app, and refresh accounts under a given connection.
• categories: CategoriesResource
Utilities to view categories that are available to your app.
• accounts: AccountsResource
Utilities for managing Akahu accounts that have been linked by users.
• payments: PaymentsResource
Utilities for managing bank account payments on behalf of users.
• transfers: TransfersResource
Utilities for managing bank account transfers on behalf of users.
• transactions: TransactionsResource
Utilities for retrieving bank transactions from connected user accounts.
• webhooks: WebhooksResource
Utilities for managing, retrieving, and validating webhooks.
• parties: PartiesResource
Fetch identity data relating to the party that the user has logged-in to their institution as when connecting accounts to Akahu. i.e. the user's "profile" information at the connected institution.