A flask API to test Bandwidth's Messaging API Rate Limit Logic
The application uses environment variables for your api username and password. While not required and can be removed in the main.py
file, we wanted to fully immitate the experience, so auth is required.
mkdir bw-emulator
git clone https://github.com/ajrice6713/bw-messaging-emulator bw-emulator
cd bw-emulator
# without using pipenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
# with pipenv
pipenv install
pipenv run python main.py
The server will start on localhost:5000
You can now test the rate lmit logic using your http client of choice
POST /users/<userId>/messages HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Content-Type: application/json
"to" : "+19195551234",
"from" : "+19195554321",
"text" : "This is a test message from Bandwidth.",
"applicationId" : "9414cd25-720b-43ae-9e45-33f4a3f283f3",
"tag" : "test message",
"priority" : "default"
NOTE: No logic or enforcememt is in place to check for any configuration errors with your to/from numbers, credentials, or application ID. Nothing is written and this application creates a completely unique service entirely independent of Bandwidth, meant for local testing of Bandwidth's Messaging API rate limit logic. This application does not trigger any callbacks or validate whether or not a message would be successfully passed off to the downstream carrier - it assumes that your messages are formatted correctly and simply checks against the rate limit assigned to your account and either returns a 200
or a 429
The app is set by default to replicate Bandwidhts 1mps and 15 min queue
You can configure custom limits by changing the following parameters in main.py
maxQueueTime = 15.0*60.0 # e.g. default 15 minute queue
rateLimit = 1 # mps