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(c) 2022-2024 Austrian Academy of Sciences

Version: 0.9.0 (beta)

Author: Andrew J. P. Garner

Moment a set of tools designed to aid in the generation and manipulation of operator matrices, for use in the context of convex optimization problems. In particular, it aids in the generation of hierarchies of moment matrices and localizing matrices, such as arise in the NPA and PNA hierarchies. Can also generate inflated matrices for classical causal-compatibility scenarios.

Installation Instructions

The following instructions provided for installing a major release of Moment as a precompiled binary. If you wish to produce your own binary (required for all but major tagged versions, or for making changes to Moment), instead follow the instructions in the compilation instructions section below.

First, make sure MATLAB (version 2018a+ / 9.4+) and (at least) one of YALMIP or CVX are installed.

Depending on your platform (Windows, GNU/Linux or MacOS) from the releases, download the appropriate:,, or, and extract the contents to the desired installation location.

From within MATLAB, add the following folders to the matlab path: moment/matlab, moment/matlab/classes, and moment/matlab/functions. This can be done automatically by running the script mtk_install from the moment/matlab folder, and then restarting MATLAB. If everything is correctly installed, calling function mtk (from any folder) should display the version information of Moment.

Compilation Instructions

If you only wish to use a pre-compiled stable release of Moment, instead follow the installation instructions above.


To download and compile the library use the following commands:

git clone --recursive
cd moment
cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

Once the build is complete, the binary mtk.mexa64 will be automatically copied into the moment/matlab folder.

To use from MATLAB, add the following folders to the matlab path: moment/matlab, moment/matlab/classes, and moment/matlab/functions. This can be done automatically by running the script mtk_install from the moment/matlab folder, and then restarting MATLAB. If everything is correctly installed, calling function mtk (from any folder) should display the version information of Moment.


Only tested on Intel-based Macs. You first need the compilation tools if you don't already have:

brew install git
brew install gcc@12
brew install cmake

It is vital to use GCC 12, it will not work with the native clang. After that the commands are the same as in GNU/Linux:

git clone --recursive
cd moment
cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

Once the build is complete, the binary mtk.mexmaci64 will be automatically copied into the moment/matlab folder.

To use from MATLAB, add the following folders to the matlab path: moment/matlab, moment/matlab/classes, and moment/matlab/functions. This can be done automatically by running the script mtk_install from the moment/matlab folder, and then restarting MATLAB. If everything is correctly installed, calling function mtk (from any folder) should display the version information of Moment.

Windows: CLion

Clone the repository (e.g. with GitHub desktop).

Open CLion, and from the File > Open menu, navigate to the cloned repository root directory.

To build the MATLAB binary, select the target moment_mex in the Build Configurations drop down, then press the build button. Alternatively, select Build Project from the Build menu.

Once the build is complete, the binary mtk.mexw64 will have been copied to the moment/matlab folder.

To use from MATLAB, add the following folders to the matlab path: moment/matlab, moment/matlab/classes, and moment/matlab/functions. This can be done automatically by running the script mtk_install from the moment/matlab folder, and then restarting MATLAB. If everything is correctly installed, calling function mtk (from any folder) should display the version information of Moment.

Windows: Visual Studio

Clone the repository (e.g. with GitHub desktop).

Open Visual Studio 2022, and select "Open a local folder". Navigate to the root of the cloned repository and click 'Select folder'. Visual Studio will accordingly parse the CMakeList files. The project can then be built by selecting "Build All" from Visual Studio's Build menu, or pressing F7.

Once the build is complete, the binary mtk.mexw64 will have been copied to the moment/matlab folder.

To use from MATLAB, add the following folders to the matlab path: moment/matlab, moment/matlab/classes, and moment/matlab/functions. This can be done automatically by running the script mtk_install from the moment/matlab folder, and then restarting MATLAB. If everything is correctly installed, calling function mtk (from any folder) should display the version information of Moment.

Minimum tested versions

MATLAB 2018a (9.4)
YALMIP R20210331

For compiling C++ library

On Windows:
Clang 14.0.0 (via clang-cl), GCC 12.1.0, or Visual Studio 2022
CMAKE 3.22

On GNU/Linux:
GCC 12.3.0
CMAKE 3.22

On Mac:
GCC 12.3.0
CMAKE 3.22


Using Moment

MATLAB 2018a (9.4), or later.

Either YALMIP, or CVX (version 2.2, not version 3).

Compiling from source

Googletest: C++ unit test suite.

Eigen: Linear algebra template library for C++.

Both dependencies are included as git submodules (and hence will be pulled by using the above compilation instructions).

If using a pre-compiled binary (and not requiring C++ unit tests), it is not necessary to pull these dependencies.