Application goal: The goal of the app is to analyze a person’s speech to understand what words a person tends to use too often and what words that person should avoid, such as “like,” “I mean,” “you know,” etc.
Target users: This application is for everyone who wants to learn more about how they speak. We are specifically targeting conference speakers who like to rehearse their talks prior to giving them at the conference. We are also targeting working professionals who give many presentations as part of their work.
Usage scenarios that illustrate how a typical user might use the application (Include all of the steps that users perform
- Open VOIS.AI application from the above URL.
- Click on "Start Recording". Allow control to the browser to record the speech and speak into the microphone.
- Record you speech. This can be 10 seconds or 10 minutes.
- Click “Stop” to stop recording.
- Click “Analyze” button to learn more about the words you used.
Note : In case, you don't say anything for a while, the app stops recording and "Analyze" button will appear