Next-Word-Prediction-with-Decoder-Only-Transformer is a project based on a GPT-like decoder-only transformer architecture. It leverages causal masking and attention mechanisms to efficiently perform next-word prediction tasks. The model training is executed on Kaggle, harnessing the computational capabilities of GPU infrastructure to expedite the training process. The IMDB sentiment classification dataset serves as the training data, enabling the model to generate new movie reviews based on user prompts.
For a seamless user experience, a user-friendly interface has been developed using Streamlit. This interface allows users to effortlessly input prompts and receive generated movie reviews. The use of Kaggle's GPU infrastructure for training, combined with the interactive Streamlit interface, creates an efficient and accessible platform for users to explore the autoregressive text generation capabilities of the model.
NOTE: This repository uses Git Large File Storage (LFS) to handle large files such as the model file. To properly download the model file when cloning this repository, you need to have Git LFS installed on your machine.
If you don't have Git LFS installed, you can install it by following the instructions on the Git LFS website. After installing Git LFS, you can clone this repository as usual with git clone
If you've already cloned the repository without Git LFS, you can download the LFS files with git lfs pull
- Project Overview
- Table of Contents
- Architecture
- Installation and Setup
- Improvements
- Acknowledgements
Install Git LFS: If you haven't already, download and install Git LFS from
Configure Git LFS: Open a terminal and run git lfs install to configure Git LFS for your system.
Clone the repository: Use the git clone command with the repository URL, including the --recurse-submodules flag to pull large files:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules<username>/<repo-name>.git
Fetch and download large files: Navigate to the cloned repository: cd Fetch all objects, including large files: git lfs fetch Download the large files:
$ git lfs pull
Verify model download: Check if the model file is present in the expected location within the repository.
Navigate to the directory containing your Streamlit app.
Install the required packages using pip:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Streamlit app:
$ streamlit run
The Streamlit app is now running and can be accessed at http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.
Download the model: Run the following command in the terminal within the project directory:
$ python
OR You can train the model on a custom dataset. Paste that data into the data folder of the project.
To train the model, run This will initiate the training process, which may take several hours depending on your hardware.
$ python
Here's the Kaggle notebook for reference. Utilizing Kaggle GPUs allows for faster training of this model.
Kaggle notebook for model training
- Utilize GPU resources more efficiently: Explore techniques like mixed precision training, gradient accumulation, and model parallelization to maximize GPU utilization and reduce training time.
- Leverage PyTorch Lightning: Consider migrating the training process to PyTorch Lightning to benefit from its built-in optimization features, such as automatic checkpointing, early stopping, and hyperparameter tuning. This can streamline the training process and potentially improve efficiency.
- Implement beam search: Optimize text generation speed by using beam search instead of greedy decoding. This can lead to a faster generation process while maintaining high-quality output.
- Caching: Implement caching mechanisms for frequently accessed data to reduce redundant computations and improve overall efficiency.