Web application that converts YouTube timedtext.xml to .srt file
This project contains JavaScript code that converts YouTube timedtext.xml to .srt file.
First, what is timedtext.xml? That is a file that contains subtitles of a YouTube video. It is an XML file that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timedtext format="3">
<pen id="1" fc="#E5E5E5"/>
<pen id="2" fc="#CCCCCC"/>
<ws id="0"/>
<ws id="1" mh="2" ju="0" sd="3"/>
<wp id="0"/>
<wp id="1" ap="6" ah="20" av="100" rc="2" cc="40"/>
<w t="0" id="1" wp="1" ws="1"/>
<p t="6319" d="3721" w="1"><s p="2" ac="184">non</s><s t="1000" ac="243"> mais</s><s t="1181" ac="246"> je</s><s t="1301" ac="222"> n'ai</s><s t="1451" ac="252"> pas</s><s p="1" t="1600" ac="216"> là</s></p>
<p t="14629" w="1" a="1">
<p t="14639" d="3370" w="1"><s p="1" ac="218">je</s><s t="1000" ac="241"> suis</s><s t="1271" ac="252"> pas</s><s t="1361" ac="246"> agressif</s><s p="2" t="1511" ac="161"> celle</s><s t="1810" ac="236"> qui</s><s p="1" t="1931" ac="207"> m'agresse</s></p>
<p t="16769" d="1240" w="1" a="1">
<p t="679130" d="4620" w="1"><s ac="239">merci</s><s t="1000" ac="252"> à</s><s t="1030" ac="252"> vous</s><s t="1180" ac="242"> merci</s><s t="1960" ac="239"> merci</s></p>
When we download the YouTube video, say as an MP4 file, it doesn't contain subtitles. If we play it with VLC, we can add subtitles; but VLC expects subtitles in .srt format. For the XML file above, a matching .srt file would look like this:
00:00:06,319 --> 00:00:15,629
non mais je n'ai pas là
00:00:15,639 --> 00:00:17,769
je suis pas agressif celle qui m'agresse
00:11:14,010 --> 00:11:19,120
dans ma vie je suis plus instinctive
So, this project contains code (in JavaScript) that converts timedtext.xml to a .srt file. But, it has a twist. I wanted to make it as easy for you to use as possible. You don't have to install anything, just open your browser and open the GitHub Pages page of this project:
In that page, browse for the timedtext.xml file that you want to convert, click on button CONVERT, and when the conversion is done, click on the link beneath the button and save the converted file.
Oh yes, I also wanted to make it as easy for me as possible, so I am not running any server for this - it's all in that one static page.
Just in case, here's how I am getting timedtext from YouTube videos: open the page
and look at the section "Your Browser". Briefly, in Firefox or Chrome open the developer tools, click on the Network tab, then enable closed caption in the video and open the downloaded file in a new tab. Then you can save it to a file.