#CoflowSim README
CoflowSim is a flow-level simulator to compare various coflow scheduling heurisitcs against traditional per-flow scheduling techniques.
The entire project (CoflowSim and the actual implementation Varys) is still in closed beta stage. The master branch is in version 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
##How to Compile CoflowSim does not have any dependency on external library.
- You can compile from command line using Maven. Simply type
mvn package
from the root directory. - Import the project into Eclipse also works.
##How to Run
The main method of CoflowSim is in the coflowsim.CoflowSim
class, which takes and various inputs, creates appropriate scheduler, and performs the simulation.
Using the exec-maven
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="coflowsim.CoflowSim" -Dexec.args="<arguments>"
From the command-line (assuming the jar to be in the target
java -cp target/coflowsim-*.jar coflowsim.CoflowSim <arguments>
##Supported Modes and Scheduling Algorithms The simulator can work in two modes, i.e., to optimize to objectives.
- Minimize coflow completion time (CCT)
- Meet deadline
It has multiple heuristics and algorithms implemented already. For clairvoyant coflow-based scheduling CoflowSim supports the following heuristics:
- FIFO: First-In-First-Out at the coflow level
- SCF: Shortest-Coflow-First
- NCF: Narrowest-Coflow First
- LCF: Lightest-Coflow-First
- SEBF: Smallest-Effective-Bottleneck-First / Smallest-Skew-First
CoflowSim also has a non-clairvoyant coflow-based scheduler that divides coflows into multiple logical queues based on how much they have already sent:
- DARK: FIFO within the queue, and for now, strict prioriries across queues.
For per-flow scheduling, CoflowSim supports:
- FAIR: Per-flow fair sharing
- PFP: Per-flow prioritization, i.e., SRTF for minimizing time and EDF for meeting deadlines. Examples include PDQ and pFabric.
CoflowSim currently provides two TraceProducer
classes to generate/use workloads.
) creates synthetic workload based on user-defined parameters. - COFLOW-BENCHMARK (
) reads workloads based on traces from the filesystem. These workloads are part of the Coflow-Benchmark project that focuses on synthesizing coflow traces from real-world workloads.
You can take a quick look at the coflowsim.CoflowSim
class to know more about how to pass the aforementioned parameters to it.
The code itself is fairly documented with javadoc
, and you can run the mvn javadoc:javadoc
to generate the documentation.
Please submit an issue or a pull request to help us keep CoflowSim up-to-date.
Please refer to/cite the following papers based on the scheduler you are using: the former for SEBF and the latter for DARK.
- Efficient Coflow Scheduling with Varys, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Yuan Zhong, Ion Stoica, ACM SIGCOMM, 2014.
- Efficient Coflow Scheduling Without Prior Knowledge, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Ion Stoica, ACM SIGCOMM, 2015.