It's fast, high-quality rendering, with teeth...
Based on:
- PainDiffusion for pain expression
- GaussianAvatars
- VHAP for face model tracking
- GaussianAvatars for animation
To keep the installation simple, each component will be installed in a different environment.
Clone this repository use recursive flag to pull all submodules at once.
git clone --recursive
For each component, follow their own readme to install their environment.
Copy the following files to their corresponding folders:
-> paindiffusion,
-> gaussianavatars. This two files communicate through reading and writing to a share-memory file.
Change the flame model of CHAP and GaussianAvatars at (gaussianAvatars/flame_model/ and (vhap/model/ to flame2020, which should be
from Because PainDiffusion use flame2020. -
Use VHAP to track a video or multiview video using the monocular steps and merge the output with the final step in nersemble (check vhap/doc).
After building the point cloud and flame sequence in step 2, train a Gaussian splatting of the point cloud, please follow the step of GaussianAvatars.
In GaussianAvatars dir and using its env, use of in GaussianAvatars to view the results with the path to the output of the previous step.
python --point_path '/path/to/point_cloud.ply' --driving_mode
- Run PainDiffusion by
python --conf_file 'path/to/conf_of_paindiffusion.yaml'
to drive the avatar according to pain stimuli.