This Python script uses Selenium to automate web interactions while rotating through a list of proxies to avoid detection and maintain a high level of anonymity. It uses a Chrome extension, downloads it if necessary, and attempts to connect to a web application using different proxies until a successful connection is made. Once a connection is established, it continues running tasks in the background with randomized delays between actions.
- Register Via Email : Gradient
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- Rotates through multiple proxies from a
file. - Uses a Chrome extension (downloaded automatically) for enhanced functionality.
- Randomizes User-Agent headers to avoid detection.
- Runs tasks in parallel using
for concurrent proxy usage. - Handles login to a web application and interacts with the UI.
- Random delays between actions to simulate human-like behavior.
Before running the script, ensure you have the following installed:
Python 3.8 or higher
WebDriver Manager
Fake User-Agent Library
.env file with the following environment variables: APP_PASS=your_password
Check Chrome Version: Open Chrome, go to
, and note the version number. -
Install ChromeDriver: Use the following commands to download and install ChromeDriver:
sudo apt update sudo apt install -y wget unzip wget<your_chrome_version>/ unzip sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
Verify Installation Driver:
chromedriver --version
- Clone Repository
git clone && cd Gradient-Auto-Bot
- Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
- Proxy List: Ensure that active_proxies.txt contains a valid list of working proxies. If all proxies fail, the script will move to the next proxy.
- Extensions: The script automatically handles the download of a Chrome extension for enhanced functionality.