Download DAWN Extension: DOWNLOAD (https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/dawn-validator-chrome-ext/fpdkjdnhkakefebpekbdhillbhonfjjp)
Input email dan wajib menggunakan invite code.
Invite code
Selesain task buat dapet tambahan 15k point
Stay connect biar tetep dapetin DAWN point.
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Clone Repo
git clone https://github.com/airdropinsiders/DawnValidatorBot.git
Move to Directory
cd DawnValidatorBot
Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Fill Telegram Token, Email and Bearer Token
nano config.json
example config for multiple accounts
"accounts": [ { "email": "YOUR DAWN VALIDATOR EMAIL", "token": "YOUR BEARER TOKEN" }, { "email": "YOUR DAWN VALIDATOR EMAIL", "token": "YOUR BEARER TOKEN" }
Run Bot
# Termux python main.py # default 3 worker python main.py -w 10 # optional, 10 is amount of workers # Linux / CMD python3 main.py # default 3 worker python3 main.py -w 10 # optional, 10 is amount of workers
Right Click on Dawn Validator Extension and Choose Inspect, Choose Network Tab, and find BEARER TOKEN there