- Docker 1.12+
: Dockerfilemaster-latest
: Dockerfiledev-latest
: Dockerfile
Run the application with no arguments to show the help text (note that when running the container you may want to mount additional volumes according to the options you specify):
docker run --rm -it \
Here is an example to run the application to upload some XMLs:
docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/xmls/on/the/host/:/tmp/invoice-xml aifagovit/database-uploader:<tag> --import-invoices --path=/tmp/invoice-xml/**/*.xml --spring.datasource.username=USERNAME --spring.datasource.password=PASSWORD --spring.datasource.url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@DB_HOST:DB_PORT/DB_NAME"
Some IBAN codes have been set to a dummy value (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
). Such value is not compatible with the provided XSD. It's therefore necessary to use a valid value, like XX00XXXXXXXXXXX
. Here is an example command to execute such substitution:
find /path/to/xmls -type f -print0 -iname "*.xml" | xargs -0 sed -i 's/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XX00XXXXXXXXXXX/g'
This repository has some Git submodules so you should clone it using the --recursive
switch: $ git clone git://github.com/<user>/<repo>.git --recursive
Each commit in the development
or master
branches and every git tag is automatically built by Docker Hub.
The configuration is in https://hub.docker.com/r/aifagovit/database-uploader/~/settings/automated-builds/
When tagging a new release the relevant link in the README should be updated.
After running the database-uploader
(it's not necessary to specify any option) against any database (even in-memory ones like H2) you can generate a Liquibase report or a changelog containing the differences between the two databases or even against JPA Entity definitions.
Generate a changelog from JPA Entities (Oracle example):
mvn liquibase:diff \ -Dliquibase.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver \ -Dliquibase.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521/DB \ # JDBC URL pointing to the target database -Dliquibase.username=USER \ # Username to connect to the target database -Dliquibase.password=PASSWORD \ # Password to connect to the target database -Dliquibase.referenceUrl="hibernate:spring:it.gov.aifa.invoice_processor.entity?dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle12cDialect&hibernate.physical_naming_strategy=org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.hibernate.SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy" # -Dliquibase.diffChangeLogFile=target/liquibase/db.changelog-diff.yaml # Uncomment this line to generate a changelog file instead of a report
Generate a changelog from reference database: this is useful to compare a target database to a reference database
mvn liquibase:diff \ -Dliquibase.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver \ -Dliquibase.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521/DB \ # JDBC URL pointing to the target database -Dliquibase.username=USER \ # Username to connect to the target database -Dliquibase.password=PASSWORD \ # Password to connect to the target database -Dliquibase.referenceDriver=org.h2.Driver \ -Dliquibase.referenceUrl=jdbc:h2:mem:testdb \ # JDBC URL pointing to the reference database -Dliquibase.referenceUsername=USER \ # Username to connect to the reference database -Dliquibase.referencePassword=PASSWORD \ # Password to connect to the reference database # -Dliquibase.diffChangeLogFile=target/liquibase/db.changelog-diff.yaml # Uncomment this line to generate a changelog file instead of a report