An assessment of approaches for choosing proxies of genetic targets
This is the code and data used to generate the results for:
'Network and pathway expansion of genetic disease associations identifies successful drug targets'
The R scripts for data collection, collation, and statistical analysis. The most relevant are listed below:
pipeline_all_diseases.R: Reads in the data sources and produces a long data frame (genes * GWAS studies) that is used as input for the statistical analysis.
pipeline_all_diseases_analysis.R: Runs the statistical analysis on the data frame produced by 'pipeline_all_diseases.R' (Stratified Fisher's Test).
pipeline_all_diseases_final_report.R: Produces the figures for the main paper and the supplementary data.
The data sources used to define High Confidences Genetic Hits, along with annotation files.
An R Markdown report of the results, together with the R objects used to generate the embedded figures.
The interaction data used to assess network approaches for target proxy identification.
Gene sets from MSigDB used to define 'pathway buckets' for Pascal enrichment.
R lists showing the results of Pascal pathway enrichment.