This is a video encoding element for GStreamer 1.0 based on Kvazaar, a LGPL HEVC encoder.
This installation guide has been tested under Debian 9.8.
- Install dependencies:
- From the official repositories, meson and GStreamer:
$ sudo apt install meson libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
- In order to install Kvazaar, follow the instructions on (Make sure the resulting shared object is under you LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime.)
- To build gst-kvazaar plugin with meson, move to your local project directory and run the following:
$ meson build $ ninja -C build
$ GST_PLUGIN_PATH=build/src gst-inspect-1.0 kvazaarenc $ GST_PLUGIN_PATH=build/src gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! kvazaarenc ! avdec_h265 ! videoconvert ! fpsdisplaysink
gst-kvazaar implements Kvazaar selective encryption features. Here is an example pipeline of how to do it:
$ GST_PLUGIN_PATH=build/src gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! kvazaarenc crypto=on key=14,41,81,1,51,98,105,1,17,54,230,0,89,165,255,123 preset=ultrafast ! avdec_h265 ! autovideosink
The encrypted byte stream can be decrypted with OpenHEVC. An implementation of the OpenHEVC decoder is available in gst-openhevc. Here is an example pipeline showing how to use openhevcdec together with kvazaarenc:
$ gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! kvazaarenc crypto=on key=14,41,81,1,51,98,105,1,17,54,230,0,89,165,255,123 preset=ultrafast ! openhevcdec crypto=on key=14,41,81,1,51,98,105,1,17,54,230,0,89,165,255,123 ! xvimagesink
Some part of the source code is in commentary because there are features still not implemented.