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ngPieChart is an Angular.js lightweight plugin to render simple, animated and retina optimized pie charts.

  • highly customizable
  • very easy to implement
  • independent resolution (retina optimized)
  • uses requestAnimationFrame for smooth animations on modern devices
  • works in all modern browsers, even in IE7+ with excanvas


Get started


Use bower to install the component:

$ bower install --save angular-piechart


To work, this plugin needs to be executed in an Angular.js application.

You need to include css and javascript files in your project.

        <script src="/path/to/bower/components/angular-piechart/dist/styles/angular-piechart.min.css"></script>
        <script src="/path/to/bower/components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
        <script src="/path/to/bower/components/angular-piechart/dist/scripts/angular-piechart.min.js"></script>

Once files loaded, you must include this plugin in your application:

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngPieChart']);

Now, the directive is accessible in all HTML files of your application:

<ngpiechart progression="35" total="100">
    <div>Content to display</div>

Content to display will be centered in the middle of the pie chart. You can add as much content as you want until the limit size of your pie chart.

Add CSS for each line of your content to customize the view.


You can add multiple attributes to the directive to set up a custom look and feel for that plugin.

Attributes Default Description
bar-color #ef1e25 The color of the circular bar. You must write a valid CSS color string.
track-color #f2f2f2 The color of the track. You must write a valid CSS color string or false to disable rendering.
scale-color #dfe0e0 The color of the scale lines. You must write a valid CSS color string or false to disable rendering.
scale-length 5 Length of the scale lines (reduces the radius of the chart).
line-cap butt Defines how the ending of the bar line looks like. Possible values are: butt, round and square.
line-width 5 Width of the chart line in px.
size 200 Size of the pie chart in px. It will always be a square.
rotate 0 Rotation of the complete chart in degrees.
animate true Boolean for an animation of the bar growing.
animate-duration 1000 Time in milliseconds for the animation duration. Only use if animate === true
display-pie true Display pie chart for compatible browsers. If browsers are not compatible, to display only text, set value to false


All events will only be called if animate === true.

Events Attributes Description
onStart(from, to) on-start Called at the start of any animation.
onStep(from, to, currentValue) on-step Called during animations providing the current value.
onStop(from, to) on-stop Called at the end of any animation.

Functions of events must be implemented in the application's controller:

app.controller('PieChartController', ['$scope', function($scope)
    $scope.onStart = function(from, to)
        console.log(from); // display `from` value
        console.log(to);   // display `to` value

    $scope.onStep = function(from, to, currentValue)
        console.log(from);           // display `from` value
        console.log(to);             // display `to` value
        console.log(currentValue);   // display `current` value

    $scope.onStop = function(from, to)
        console.log(from); // display `from` value
        console.log(to);   // display `to` value

When implementations are done, you can insert attributes in the directive:

<div ng-controller="PieChartController">
    <ngpiechart progression="35" total="100" on-start="onStart" on-step="onStep" on-stop="onStop">
        <div>Content to display</div>

You can only add events that you need.

Dynamic value

To have a dynamic value in the pie chart, you must bind progression and total value in your controller:

app.controller('PieChartController', ['$scope', function($scope)
    $scope.progression = 70;
    $ = 100;

After that, add these attributes in the directive with binding values:

<div ng-controller="PieChartController">
    <ngpiechart progression="progression" total="total">
        <div>Content to display</div>

Now, you can have, for example, an input text to change the value of the pie chart:

<div ng-controller="PieChartController">
    <ngpiechart progression="progression" total="total">
        <div>Content to display</div>
    <input type="text" ng-model="progression" value="{{progression}}" />

Try it, it's magic.


If progression and/or total are not defined, default values will be respectively 0 and 100.

Browser support

Native support:

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • FireFox
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Support for Internet Explorer 7 and 8 with excanvas polyfill.


Copyright (c) 2014 Nicolas Jessel. Licensed under the MIT license.









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