This is a customized version of dwm-flexipatch with added functionality for dwmblocks, additional scripts, files, icons, and fontsp. My wiki for the system
- Nemo file manager
- St my terminal
- dmenu is i can say so much things
- dwmblocks as my status bar and i am planning to add webage using surf to act as a config manager without the need of so complex one
- dwm supports rtl languages but not St
- new history atuin instead of the just shell history you need to setup it
- fzf for file fidning in terminal
- Integration with dwmblocks for dynamic status bar
- Custom scripts for enhanced system management and productivity
- Additional files for personalization and convenience
- Included icons and fonts to enrich the user interface
stored at the guide by Reading the f config at dwm-flexipatch and if you need to add change and if i forgot just read the source code and you know what you are doing
To use this repository, follow these steps: make sure to have yay installed or you do the work manually
- Clone this repsotery
git clone ""
the apps that removed in the changes scirpt will remove them 2. Run
sudo -e
- Restart / Renew Dwm
If you want to change the keybindings you should also change the keybindings in the scripts becuase they also uses the same binings becuase i didnt know how to implement scatching pads into dwmblocks so i used xdotools to emulate the key pressing