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Downloads for v1.18.0-alpha.2

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes.tar.gz 7af83386b4b35353f0aa1bdaf73599eb08b1d1ca11ecc2c606854aff754db69f3cd3dc761b6d7fc86f01052f615ca53185f33dbf9e53b2f926b0f02fc103fbd3
kubernetes-src.tar.gz a14b02a0a0bde97795a836a8f5897b0ee6b43e010e13e43dd4cca80a5b962a1ef3704eedc7916fed1c38ec663a71db48c228c91e5daacba7d9370df98c7ddfb6

Client Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-client-darwin-386.tar.gz 427f214d47ded44519007de2ae87160c56c2920358130e474b768299751a9affcbc1b1f0f936c39c6138837bca2a97792a6700896976e98c4beee8a1944cfde1
kubernetes-client-darwin-amd64.tar.gz 861fd81ac3bd45765575bedf5e002a2294aba48ef9e15980fc7d6783985f7d7fcde990ea0aef34690977a88df758722ec0a2e170d5dcc3eb01372e64e5439192
kubernetes-client-linux-386.tar.gz 7d59b05d6247e2606a8321c72cd239713373d876dbb43b0fb7f1cb857fa6c998038b41eeed78d9eb67ce77b0b71776ceed428cce0f8d2203c5181b473e0bd86c
kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz 7cdefb4e32bad9d2df5bb8e7e0a6f4dab2ae6b7afef5d801ac5c342d4effdeacd799081fa2dec699ecf549200786c7623c3176252010f12494a95240dd63311d
kubernetes-client-linux-arm.tar.gz 6212bbf0fa1d01ced77dcca2c4b76b73956cd3c6b70e0701c1fe0df5ff37160835f6b84fa2481e0e6979516551b14d8232d1c72764a559a3652bfe2a1e7488ff
kubernetes-client-linux-arm64.tar.gz 1f0d9990700510165ee471acb2f88222f1b80e8f6deb351ce14cf50a70a9840fb99606781e416a13231c74b2bd7576981b5348171aa33b628d2666e366cd4629
kubernetes-client-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz 77e00ba12a32db81e96f8de84609de93f32c61bb3f53875a57496d213aa6d1b92c09ad5a6de240a78e1a5bf77fac587ff92874f34a10f8909ae08ca32fda45d2
kubernetes-client-linux-s390x.tar.gz a39ec2044bed5a4570e9c83068e0fc0ce923ccffa44380f8bbc3247426beaff79c8a84613bcb58b05f0eb3afbc34c79fe3309aa2e0b81abcfd0aa04770e62e05
kubernetes-client-windows-386.tar.gz 1a0ab88f9b7e34b60ab31d5538e97202a256ad8b7b7ed5070cae5f2f12d5d4edeae615db7a34ebbe254004b6393c6b2480100b09e30e59c9139492a3019a596a
kubernetes-client-windows-amd64.tar.gz 1966eb5dfb78c1bc33aaa6389f32512e3aa92584250a0164182f3566c81d901b59ec78ee4e25df658bc1dd221b5a9527d6ce3b6c487ca3e3c0b319a077caa735

Server Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz f814d6a3872e4572aa4da297c29def4c1fad8eba0903946780b6bf9788c72b99d71085c5aef9e12c01133b26fa4563c1766ba724ad2a8af2670a24397951a94d
kubernetes-server-linux-arm.tar.gz 56aa08225e546c92c2ff88ac57d3db7dd5e63640772ea72a429f080f7069827138cbc206f6f5fe3a0c01bfca043a9eda305ecdc1dcb864649114893e46b6dc84
kubernetes-server-linux-arm64.tar.gz fb87128d905211ba097aa860244a376575ae2edbaca6e51402a24bc2964854b9b273e09df3d31a2bcffc91509f7eecb2118b183fb0e0eb544f33403fa235c274
kubernetes-server-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz 6d21fbf39b9d3a0df9642407d6f698fabdc809aca83af197bceb58a81b25846072f407f8fb7caae2e02dc90912e3e0f5894f062f91bcb69f8c2329625d3dfeb7
kubernetes-server-linux-s390x.tar.gz ddcda4dc360ca97705f71bf2a18ddacd7b7ddf77535b62e699e97a1b2dd24843751313351d0112e238afe69558e8271eba4d27ab77bb67b4b9e3fbde6eec85c9

Node Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-node-linux-amd64.tar.gz 78915a9bde35c70c67014f0cea8754849db4f6a84491a3ad9678fd3bc0203e43af5a63cfafe104ae1d56b05ce74893a87a6dcd008d7859e1af6b3bce65425b5d
kubernetes-node-linux-arm.tar.gz 3218e811abcb0cb09d80742def339be3916db5e9bbc62c0dc8e6d87085f7e3d9eeed79dea081906f1de78ddd07b7e3acdbd7765fdb838d262bb35602fd1df106
kubernetes-node-linux-arm64.tar.gz fa22de9c4440b8fb27f4e77a5a63c5e1c8aa8aa30bb79eda843b0f40498c21b8c0ad79fff1d841bb9fef53fe20da272506de9a86f81a0b36d028dbeab2e482ce
kubernetes-node-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz bbda9b5cc66e8f13d235703b2a85e2c4f02fa16af047be4d27a3e198e11eb11706e4a0fbb6c20978c770b069cd4cd9894b661f09937df9d507411548c36576e0
kubernetes-node-linux-s390x.tar.gz b2ed1eda013069adce2aac00b86d75b84e006cfce9bafac0b5a2bafcb60f8f2cb346b5ea44eafa72d777871abef1ea890eb3a2a05de28968f9316fa88886a8ed
kubernetes-node-windows-amd64.tar.gz bd8eb23dba711f31b5148257076b1bbe9629f2a75de213b2c779bd5b29279e9bf22f8bde32f4bc814f4c0cc49e19671eb8b24f4105f0fe2c1490c4b78ec3c704

Changelog since v1.18.0-alpha.1

Other notable changes

  • Bump golang/mock version to v1.3.1 (#87326, @wawa0210)
  • fix a bug that orphan revision cannot be adopted and statefulset cannot be synced (#86801, @likakuli)
  • Azure storage clients now suppress requests on throttling (#87306, @feiskyer)
  • Introduce Alpha field Immutable in both Secret and ConfigMap objects to mark their contents as immutable. The implementation is hidden behind feature gate ImmutableEphemeralVolumes (currently in Alpha stage). (#86377, @wojtek-t)
  • EndpointSlices will now be enabled by default. A new EndpointSliceProxying feature gate determines if kube-proxy will use EndpointSlices, this is disabled by default. (#86137, @robscott)
  • kubeadm upgrades always persist the etcd backup for stacked (#86861, @SataQiu)
  • Fix the bug PIP's DNS is deleted if no DNS label service annotation isn't set. (#87246, @nilo19)
  • New flag --show-hidden-metrics-for-version in kube-controller-manager can be used to show all hidden metrics that deprecated in the previous minor release. (#85281, @RainbowMango)
  • Azure network and VM clients now suppress requests on throttling (#87122, @feiskyer)
  • kubectl apply -f <file> --prune -n <namespace> should prune all resources not defined in the file in the cli specified namespace. (#85613, @MartinKaburu)
  • Fixes service account token admission error in clusters that do not run the service account token controller (#87029, @liggitt)
  • CustomResourceDefinition status fields are no longer required for client validation when submitting manifests. (#87213, @hasheddan)
  • All apiservers log request lines in a more greppable format. (#87203, @lavalamp)
  • provider/azure: Network security groups can now be in a separate resource group. (#87035, @CecileRobertMichon)
  • Cleaned up the output from kubectl describe CSINode <name>. (#85283, @huffmanca)
  • Fixed the following (#84265, @bhagwat070919)
      • AWS Cloud Provider attempts to delete LoadBalancer security group it didn’t provision
      • AWS Cloud Provider creates default LoadBalancer security group even if annotation [] is present
  • kubelet: resource metrics endpoint /metrics/resource/v1alpha1 as well as all metrics under this endpoint have been deprecated. (#86282, @RainbowMango)
    • Please convert to the following metrics emitted by endpoint /metrics/resource:
      • scrape_error --> scrape_error
      • node_cpu_usage_seconds_total --> node_cpu_usage_seconds
      • node_memory_working_set_bytes --> node_memory_working_set_bytes
      • container_cpu_usage_seconds_total --> container_cpu_usage_seconds
      • container_memory_working_set_bytes --> container_memory_working_set_bytes
      • scrape_error --> scrape_error
  • You can now pass "--node-ip ::" to kubelet to indicate that it should autodetect an IPv6 address to use as the node's primary address. (#85850, @danwinship)
  • kubeadm: support automatic retry after failing to pull image (#86899, @SataQiu)
  • TODO (#87044, @jennybuckley)
  • Improved yaml parsing performance (#85458, @cjcullen)
  • Fixed a bug which could prevent a provider ID from ever being set for node if an error occurred determining the provider ID when the node was added. (#87043, @zjs)
  • fix a regression in kubenet that prevent pods to obtain ip addresses (#85993, @chendotjs)
  • Bind kube-dns containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling (#83358, @wawa0210)
  • The following features are unconditionally enabled and the corresponding --feature-gates flags have been removed: PodPriority, TaintNodesByCondition, ResourceQuotaScopeSelectors and ScheduleDaemonSetPods (#86210, @draveness)
  • Bind dns-horizontal containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling on kubernetes cluster includes linux nodes and windows nodes (#83364, @wawa0210)
  • fix kubectl annotate error when local=true is set (#86952, @zhouya0)
  • Bug fixes: (#84163, @david-tigera)
  • fix kuebctl apply set-last-applied namespaces error (#86474, @zhouya0)
  • Add VolumeBinder method to FrameworkHandle interface, which allows user to get the volume binder when implementing scheduler framework plugins. (#86940, @skilxn-go)
  • elasticsearch supports automatically setting the advertise address (#85944, @SataQiu)
  • If a serving certificates param specifies a name that is an IP for an SNI certificate, it will have priority for replying to server connections. (#85308, @deads2k)
  • kube-proxy: Added dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 support to the iptables proxier. (#82462, @vllry)
  • Azure VMSS/VMSSVM clients now suppress requests on throttling (#86740, @feiskyer)
  • New metric kubelet_pleg_last_seen_seconds to aid diagnosis of PLEG not healthy issues. (#86251, @bboreham)
  • For subprotocol negotiation, both client and server protocol is required now. (#86646, @tedyu)
  • kubeadm: use bind-address option to configure the kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler http probes (#86493, @aojea)
  • Marked scheduler's metrics scheduling_algorithm_predicate_evaluation_seconds and (#86584, @xiaoanyunfei)
    • scheduling_algorithm_priority_evaluation_seconds as deprecated. Those are replaced by framework_extension_point_duration_seconds[extenstion_point="Filter"] and framework_extension_point_duration_seconds[extenstion_point="Score"] respectively.
  • Marked scheduler's scheduling_duration_seconds Summary metric as deprecated (#86586, @xiaoanyunfei)
  • Add instructions about how to bring up e2e test cluster (#85836, @YangLu1031)
  • If a required flag is not provided to a command, the user will only see the required flag error message, instead of the entire usage menu. (#86693, @sallyom)
  • kubeadm: tolerate whitespace when validating certificate authority PEM data in kubeconfig files (#86705, @neolit123)
  • kubeadm: add support for the "ci/k8s-master" version label as a replacement for "ci-cross/*", which no longer exists. (#86609, @Pensu)
  • Fix EndpointSlice controller race condition and ensure that it handles external changes to EndpointSlices. (#85703, @robscott)
  • Fix nil pointer dereference in azure cloud provider (#85975, @ldx)
  • fix: azure disk could not mounted on Standard_DC4s/DC2s instances (#86612, @andyzhangx)
  • Fixes v1.17.0 regression in --service-cluster-ip-range handling with IPv4 ranges larger than 65536 IP addresses (#86534, @liggitt)
  • Adds back support for AlwaysCheckAllPredicates flag. (#86496, @ahg-g)
  • Azure global rate limit is switched to per-client. A set of new rate limit configure options are introduced, including routeRateLimit, SubnetsRateLimit, InterfaceRateLimit, RouteTableRateLimit, LoadBalancerRateLimit, PublicIPAddressRateLimit, SecurityGroupRateLimit, VirtualMachineRateLimit, StorageAccountRateLimit, DiskRateLimit, SnapshotRateLimit, VirtualMachineScaleSetRateLimit and VirtualMachineSizeRateLimit. (#86515, @feiskyer)
    • The original rate limit options would be default values for those new client's rate limiter.
  • Fix issue #85805 about resource not found in azure cloud provider when lb specified in other resource group. (#86502, @levimm)
  • AlwaysCheckAllPredicates is deprecated in scheduler Policy API. (#86369, @Huang-Wei)
  • Kubernetes KMS provider for data encryption now supports disabling the in-memory data encryption key (DEK) cache by setting cachesize to a negative value. (#86294, @enj)
  • option preConfiguredBackendPoolLoadBalancerTypes is added to azure cloud provider for the pre-configured load balancers, possible values: "", "internal", "external", "all"` (#86338, @gossion)
  • Promote StartupProbe to beta for 1.18 release (#83437, @matthyx)
  • Fixes issue where AAD token obtained by kubectl is incompatible with on-behalf-of flow and oidc. (#86412, @weinong)
    • The audience claim before this fix has "spn:" prefix. After this fix, "spn:" prefix is omitted.
  • change CounterVec to Counter about PLEGDiscardEvent (#86167, @yiyang5055)
  • hollow-node do not use remote CRI anymore (#86425, @jkaniuk)
  • hollow-node use fake CRI (#85879, @gongguan)



Downloads for v1.18.0-alpha.1

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes.tar.gz 0c4904efc7f4f1436119c91dc1b6c93b3bd9c7490362a394bff10099c18e1e7600c4f6e2fcbaeb2d342a36c4b20692715cf7aa8ada6dfac369f44cc9292529d7
kubernetes-src.tar.gz 0a50fc6816c730ca5ae4c4f26d5ad7b049607d29f6a782a4e5b4b05ac50e016486e269dafcc6a163bd15e1a192780a9a987f1bb959696993641c603ed1e841c8

Client Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-client-darwin-386.tar.gz c6d75f7f3f20bef17fc7564a619b54e6f4a673d041b7c9ec93663763a1cc8dd16aecd7a2af70e8d54825a0eecb9762cf2edfdade840604c9a32ecd9cc2d5ac3c
kubernetes-client-darwin-amd64.tar.gz ca1f19db289933beace6daee6fc30af19b0e260634ef6e89f773464a05e24551c791be58b67da7a7e2a863e28b7cbcc7b24b6b9bf467113c26da76ac8f54fdb6
kubernetes-client-linux-386.tar.gz af2e673653eb39c3f24a54efc68e1055f9258bdf6cf8fea42faf42c05abefc2da853f42faac3b166c37e2a7533020b8993b98c0d6d80a5b66f39e91d8ae0a3fb
kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz 9009032c3f94ac8a78c1322a28e16644ce3b20989eb762685a1819148aed6e883ca8e1200e5ec37ec0853f115c67e09b5d697d6cf5d4c45f653788a2d3a2f84f
kubernetes-client-linux-arm.tar.gz afba9595b37a3f2eead6e3418573f7ce093b55467dce4da0b8de860028576b96b837a2fd942f9c276e965da694e31fbd523eeb39aefb902d7e7a2f169344d271
kubernetes-client-linux-arm64.tar.gz 04fc3b2fe3f271807f0bc6c61be52456f26a1af904964400be819b7914519edc72cbab9afab2bb2e2ba1a108963079367cedfb253c9364c0175d1fcc64d52f5c
kubernetes-client-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz 04c7edab874b33175ff7bebfff5b3a032bc6eb088fcd7387ffcd5b3fa71395ca8c5f9427b7ddb496e92087dfdb09eaf14a46e9513071d3bd73df76c182922d38
kubernetes-client-linux-s390x.tar.gz 499287dbbc33399a37b9f3b35e0124ff20b17b6619f25a207ee9c606ef261af61fa0c328dde18c7ce2d3dfb2eea2376623bc3425d16bc8515932a68b44f8bede
kubernetes-client-windows-386.tar.gz cf84aeddf00f126fb13c0436b116dd0464a625659e44c84bf863517db0406afb4eefd86807e7543c4f96006d275772fbf66214ae7d582db5865c84ac3545b3e6
kubernetes-client-windows-amd64.tar.gz 69f20558ccd5cd6dbaccf29307210db4e687af21f6d71f68c69d3a39766862686ac1333ab8a5012010ca5c5e3c11676b45e498e3d4c38773da7d24bcefc46d95

Server Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz 3f29df2ce904a0f10db4c1d7a425a36f420867b595da3fa158ae430bfead90def2f2139f51425b349faa8a9303dcf20ea01657cb6ea28eb6ad64f5bb32ce2ed1
kubernetes-server-linux-arm.tar.gz 4a21073b2273d721fbf062c254840be5c8471a010bcc0c731b101729e36e61f637cb7fcb521a22e8d24808510242f4fff8a6ca40f10e9acd849c2a47bf135f27
kubernetes-server-linux-arm64.tar.gz 7f1cb6d721bedc90e28b16f99bea7e59f5ad6267c31ef39c14d34db6ad6aad87ee51d2acdd01b6903307c1c00b58ff6b785a03d5a491cc3f8a4df9a1d76d406c
kubernetes-server-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz 8f2b552030b5274b1c2c7c166eacd5a14b0c6ca0f23042f4c52efe87e22a167ba4460dcd66615a5ecd26d9e88336be1fb555548392e70efe59070dd2c314da98
kubernetes-server-linux-s390x.tar.gz 8d9f2c96f66edafb7c8b3aa90960d29b41471743842aede6b47b3b2e61f4306fb6fc60b9ebc18820c547ee200bfedfe254c1cde962d447c791097dd30e79abdb

Node Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-node-linux-amd64.tar.gz 84194cb081d1502f8ca68143569f9707d96f1a28fcf0c574ebd203321463a8b605f67bb2a365eaffb14fbeb8d55c8d3fa17431780b242fb9cba3a14426a0cd4a
kubernetes-node-linux-arm.tar.gz 0091e108ab94fd8683b89c597c4fdc2fbf4920b007cfcd5297072c44bc3a230dfe5ceed16473e15c3e6cf5edab866d7004b53edab95be0400cc60e009eee0d9d
kubernetes-node-linux-arm64.tar.gz b7e85682cc2848a35d52fd6f01c247f039ee1b5dd03345713821ea10a7fa9939b944f91087baae95eaa0665d11857c1b81c454f720add077287b091f9f19e5d3
kubernetes-node-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz cd1f0849e9c62b5d2c93ff0cebf58843e178d8a88317f45f76de0db5ae020b8027e9503a5fccc96445184e0d77ecdf6f57787176ac31dbcbd01323cd0a190cbb
kubernetes-node-linux-s390x.tar.gz e1e697a34424c75d75415b613b81c8af5f64384226c5152d869f12fd7db1a3e25724975b73fa3d89e56e4bf78d5fd07e68a709ba8566f53691ba6a88addc79ea
kubernetes-node-windows-amd64.tar.gz c725a19a4013c74e22383ad3fb4cb799b3e161c4318fdad066daf806730a89bc3be3ff0f75678d02b3cbe52b2ef0c411c0639968e200b9df470be40bb2c015cc

Changelog since v1.17.0

Action Required

  • action required (#85363, @immutableT)
      1. Currently, if users were to explicitly specify CacheSize of 0 for KMS provider, they would end-up with a provider that caches up to 1000 keys. This PR changes this behavior.
    • Post this PR, when users supply 0 for CacheSize this will result in a validation error.
      1. CacheSize type was changed from int32 to *int32. This allows defaulting logic to differentiate between cases where users explicitly supplied 0 vs. not supplied any value.
      1. KMS Provider's endpoint (path to Unix socket) is now validated when the EncryptionConfiguration files is loaded. This used to be handled by the GRPCService.

Other notable changes

  • fix: azure data disk should use same key as os disk by default (#86351, @andyzhangx)
  • New flag --show-hidden-metrics-for-version in kube-proxy can be used to show all hidden metrics that deprecated in the previous minor release. (#85279, @RainbowMango)
  • Remove cluster-monitoring addon (#85512, @serathius)
  • Changed core_pattern on COS nodes to be an absolute path. (#86329, @mml)
  • Track mount operations as uncertain if operation fails with non-final error (#82492, @gnufied)
  • add kube-proxy flags --ipvs-tcp-timeout, --ipvs-tcpfin-timeout, --ipvs-udp-timeout to configure IPVS connection timeouts. (#85517, @andrewsykim)
  • The sample-apiserver aggregated conformance test has updated to use the Kubernetes v1.17.0 sample apiserver (#84735, @liggitt)
  • The underlying format of the CPUManager state file has changed. Upgrades should be seamless, but any third-party tools that rely on reading the previous format need to be updated. (#84462, @klueska)
  • kubernetes will try to acquire the iptables lock every 100 msec during 5 seconds instead of every second. This specially useful for environments using kube-proxy in iptables mode with a high churn rate of services. (#85771, @aojea)
  • Fixed a panic in the kubelet cleaning up pod volumes (#86277, @tedyu)
  • azure cloud provider cache TTL is configurable, list of the azure cloud provider is as following: (#86266, @zqingqing1)
      • "availabilitySetNodesCacheTTLInSeconds"
      • "vmssCacheTTLInSeconds"
      • "vmssVirtualMachinesCacheTTLInSeconds"
      • "vmCacheTTLInSeconds"
      • "loadBalancerCacheTTLInSeconds"
      • "nsgCacheTTLInSeconds"
      • "routeTableCacheTTLInSeconds"
  • Fixes kube-proxy when EndpointSlice feature gate is enabled on Windows. (#86016, @robscott)
  • Fixes wrong validation result of NetworkPolicy PolicyTypes (#85747, @tnqn)
  • Fixes an issue with kubelet-reported pod status on deleted/recreated pods. (#86320, @liggitt)
  • kube-apiserver no longer serves the following deprecated APIs: (#85903, @liggitt) * All resources under apps/v1beta1 and apps/v1beta2 - use apps/v1 instead * daemonsets, deployments, replicasets resources under extensions/v1beta1 - use apps/v1 instead * networkpolicies resources under extensions/v1beta1 - use instead * podsecuritypolicies resources under extensions/v1beta1 - use policy/v1beta1 instead
  • kubeadm: fix potential panic when executing "kubeadm reset" with a corrupted kubelet.conf file (#86216, @neolit123)
  • Fix a bug in port-forward: named port not working with service (#85511, @oke-py)
  • kube-proxy no longer modifies shared EndpointSlices. (#86092, @robscott)
  • allow for configuration of CoreDNS replica count (#85837, @pickledrick)
  • Fixed a regression where the kubelet would fail to update the ready status of pods. (#84951, @tedyu)
  • Resolves performance regression in client-go discovery clients constructed using NewDiscoveryClientForConfig or NewDiscoveryClientForConfigOrDie. (#86168, @liggitt)
  • Make error message and service event message more clear (#86078, @feiskyer)
  • e2e-test-framework: add e2e test namespace dump if all tests succeed but the cleanup fails. (#85542, @schrodit)
  • SafeSysctlWhitelist: add net.ipv4.ping_group_range (#85463, @AkihiroSuda)
  • kubelet: the metric process_start_time_seconds be marked as with the ALPHA stability level. (#85446, @RainbowMango)
  • API request throttling (due to a high rate of requests) is now reported in the kubelet (and other component) logs by default. The messages are of the form (#80649, @RobertKrawitz)
    • Throttling request took 1.50705208s, request: GET:
    • The presence of large numbers of these messages, particularly with long delay times, may indicate to the administrator the need to tune the cluster accordingly.
  • Fix API Server potential memory leak issue in processing watch request. (#85410, @answer1991)
  • Verify kubelet & kube-proxy can recover after being killed on Windows nodes (#84886, @YangLu1031)
  • Fixed an issue that the scheduler only returns the first failure reason. (#86022, @Huang-Wei)
  • kubectl/drain: add skip-wait-for-delete-timeout option. (#85577, @michaelgugino)
    • If pod DeletionTimestamp older than N seconds, skip waiting for the pod. Seconds must be greater than 0 to skip.
  • Following metrics have been turned off: (#83841, @RainbowMango)
      • kubelet_pod_worker_latency_microseconds
      • kubelet_pod_start_latency_microseconds
      • kubelet_cgroup_manager_latency_microseconds
      • kubelet_pod_worker_start_latency_microseconds
      • kubelet_pleg_relist_latency_microseconds
      • kubelet_pleg_relist_interval_microseconds
      • kubelet_eviction_stats_age_microseconds
      • kubelet_runtime_operations
      • kubelet_runtime_operations_latency_microseconds
      • kubelet_runtime_operations_errors
      • kubelet_device_plugin_registration_count
      • kubelet_device_plugin_alloc_latency_microseconds
      • kubelet_docker_operations
      • kubelet_docker_operations_latency_microseconds
      • kubelet_docker_operations_errors
      • kubelet_docker_operations_timeout
      • network_plugin_operations_latency_microseconds
    • Renamed Kubelet metric certificate_manager_server_expiration_seconds to certificate_manager_server_ttl_seconds and changed to report the second until expiration at read time rather than absolute time of expiry. (#85874, @sambdavidson)
        • Improved accuracy of Kubelet metric rest_client_exec_plugin_ttl_seconds.
  • Bind metadata-agent containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling on kubernetes cluster includes linux nodes and windows nodes (#83363, @wawa0210)
  • Bind metrics-server containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling on kubernetes cluster includes linux nodes and windows nodes (#83362, @wawa0210)
  • During initialization phase (preflight), kubeadm now verifies the presence of the conntrack executable (#85857, @hnanni)
  • VMSS cache is added so that less chances of VMSS GET throttling (#85885, @nilo19)
  • Update go-winio module version from 0.4.11 to 0.4.14 (#85739, @wawa0210)
  • Fix LoadBalancer rule checking so that no unexpected LoadBalancer updates are made (#85990, @feiskyer)
  • kubectl drain node --dry-run will list pods that would be evicted or deleted (#82660, @sallyom)
  • Windows nodes on GCE can use TPM-based authentication to the master. (#85466, @pjh)
  • kubectl/drain: add disable-eviction option. (#85571, @michaelgugino)
    • Force drain to use delete, even if eviction is supported. This will bypass checking PodDisruptionBudgets, and should be used with caution.
  • kubeadm now errors out whenever a not supported component config version is supplied for the kubelet and kube-proxy (#85639, @rosti)
  • Fixed issue with addon-resizer using deprecated extensions APIs (#85793, @bskiba)
  • Includes FSType when describing CSI persistent volumes. (#85293, @huffmanca)
  • kubelet now exports a "server_expiration_renew_failure" and "client_expiration_renew_failure" metric counter if the certificate rotations cannot be performed. (#84614, @rphillips)
  • kubeadm: don't write the kubelet environment file on "upgrade apply" (#85412, @boluisa)
  • fix azure file AuthorizationFailure (#85475, @andyzhangx)
  • Resolved regression in admission, authentication, and authorization webhook performance in v1.17.0-rc.1 (#85810, @liggitt)
  • kubeadm: uses the apiserver AdvertiseAddress IP family to choose the etcd endpoint IP family for non external etcd clusters (#85745, @aojea)
  • kubeadm: Forward cluster name to the controller-manager arguments (#85817, @ereslibre)
  • Fixed "requested device X but found Y" attach error on AWS. (#85675, @jsafrane)
  • addons: elasticsearch discovery supports IPv6 (#85543, @SataQiu)
  • kubeadm: retry kubeadm-config ConfigMap creation or mutation if the apiserver is not responding. This will improve resiliency when joining new control plane nodes. (#85763, @ereslibre)
  • Update Cluster Autoscaler to 1.17.0; changelog: (#85610, @losipiuk)
  • Filter published OpenAPI schema by making nullable, required fields non-required in order to avoid kubectl to wrongly reject null values. (#85722, @sttts)
  • kubectl set resources will no longer return an error if passed an empty change for a resource. (#85490, @sallyom)
    • kubectl set subject will no longer return an error if passed an empty change for a resource.
  • kube-apiserver: fixed a conflict error encountered attempting to delete a pod with gracePeriodSeconds=0 and a resourceVersion precondition (#85516, @michaelgugino)
  • kubeadm: add a upgrade health check that deploys a Job (#81319, @neolit123)
  • kubeadm: make sure images are pre-pulled even if a tag did not change but their contents changed (#85603, @bart0sh)
  • kube-apiserver: Fixes a bug that hidden metrics can not be enabled by the command-line option --show-hidden-metrics-for-version. (#85444, @RainbowMango)
  • kubeadm now supports automatic calculations of dual-stack node cidr masks to kube-controller-manager. (#85609, @Arvinderpal)
  • Fix bug where EndpointSlice controller would attempt to modify shared objects. (#85368, @robscott)
  • Use context to check client closed instead of http.CloseNotifier in processing watch request which will reduce 1 goroutine for each request if proto is HTTP/2.x . (#85408, @answer1991)
  • kubeadm: reset raises warnings if it cannot delete folders (#85265, @SataQiu)
  • Wait for kubelet & kube-proxy to be ready on Windows node within 10s (#85228, @YangLu1031)