This repository contains a CP/M emulator for the RSX280 operating system.
It is written in Zilog Z280 assembly language and is based on an earlier version for UZI-280 (a Unix edition 7 operating system for the Z280) by Stefan Nitschke and released into the Public Domain in 1996.
RSX280 is being developed by Hector Peraza and is available from
CPM is a program to allow "well-behaved" Z80 CP/M programs to run under RSX280. The implementation only supports basic CP/M 2.2 BDOS functionality and console-only BIOS routines. None of the usual CP/M 2.2 BIOS routines for accessing other disk drives, or character devces like a printer, punch and reader are available.
Further documentation will be added at a later time.
Revision history is now in reverse chronological order.
Hector Peraza has corrected and enhanced the emulator considerably. I've just pulled his changes back into this master repository. Most of his updates are documented in the new Changelog.txt file (and I will move this update section of this README into this file shortly). Much of the emulation is now accurately running most well behaved CP/M 2.2 programs.
Added Compute File Size (BDOS function 35) and tried to squeeze a few more bytes of code-space.
Reorganise source-code and improve comments. Only minor functional changes to the emulation of the CP/M file control block contents have been made, and an attempt at building the disk allocation vector upon starting the emulator.
There are some outstanding issues -
Console input sometimes gets out-of-sync when the terminal input AST routine adds a character to the input ring buffer (we have no control over disabling/enabling RSX280 system interrupts).
Still to-do - fine-tune the CP/M allocation vector emulation so that directory accessing programs can see and report on disk usage in blocks correctly.
Files opened for updating from CP/M do not seem to be writing file sectors for existing files (e.g. running a configuration program to update a terminal-type does not change the first sector in a .COM file where these things are stored).
Search First/Search Next (BDOS functions 17 & 18) are mostly working. Contiguous files from RSX280 (mainly task image *.TSK files) are not being returned to the emulation.
The Digital Research SDIR program is generally working and able to list out the CP/M directory with file sizes. The size of CP/M extents is not yet consistent though - and I'm investigating whether an emulation of the allocation vector bitmap is needed. The disk parameter block values in-use emulate an 8Mb hard disk with up to 1024 directory entries. STAT . also reports correct file information.
I've changed command input routine so that it may no longer accept program filenames from another user directory. Instead I'll be considering adding a search-path instead - so if a CP/M program is not in the user's home directory then another directory will be searched (most likely SY0:[CPM]).
Also I've used the CP/M assembler ASM on DUMP.ASM and loaded the resultant LOAD.HEX file to produce a running DUMP.COM and tried out a CP/M visual editor (I use PMATE) to edit test files. Infocom games like ZORK I and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy also work fine.
I've been through a few iterations trying to implement the BDOS search_first and search_next functions (17 and 18). At first I tried using RSX280 native directory searching like the PIP program uses - but this ended up being too complex and large (and it doesn't scale if you have a large number of files in your home directory).
As a consequence, I've approached this from the CP/M BDOS source and made some assumptions. Firstly, all files visible from CP/M MUST be only up to eight-character filenames (not nine), and only files with version number 1 (e.g. FILE.DAT;1) are seen by CP/M (as FILE.DAT).
I'm using the RSX280 FCS routines to walk through the user's directory and computing file sizes (in CP/M records of 128-bytes) by looking up the SY:[MASTER]INDEXF.SYS;1 index file. I'm able to do a Search First and Search Next to retrieve the correct results the first time through, however, trying a second time fails. I'm suspicious of problems with the system's FSEEK routine and will just post a "where I'm at" snapshot and look at it further soon. Debugging messages are everywhere at present.
BDOS Console I/O and sequential File functions are working.
Still to-do Search First/Next functions and verify Random File functions.
A log file follows -
>run cpm
CP/M 2.2 emulator 59K V0.99 [DEBUG]
Use ^Z followed by Return/Enter to exit.
X>[CPM]CAL 2020 /D
Calendar, Version 1.3
Name of Disk Output File? cal.tmp
Calendar Output File/Device is cal.tmp
Calendar of Year 2020
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The original UZI-280 version was missing some CP/M BDOS functions. These have been added. Console I/O and Disk file Open/Create/Read/Write appear to be working. Still to-do file Remove, Random access Read/Write, Directory Search and some other BDOS functions.