Project of fully responsive website that can be used as personal portfolio. The page contains 3 sub pages linking to each other: home, about, contact. Contact page contain simple contact form to send. Used Javascript code to open and close navigation
- 2 different Google fonts
- logo on the left
- menu for both large and small screens built of HTML lists. For small screen was used hamburger button with JS function of opening and closing
- title, subtitles na CONTACT button with image background
- 3 columns: about me, our skills, get in touch
- footer with 2 columns including links to social media
- title, subtitle and below
- 2 columns: with image and second with 2 rows
- title, subtitle and below
- column with image, sublitle and paragraph
- form with 3 input fields: first name, email and message. The form is sended by clicking button SEND
- min and max width, height
- image as a background (size, position, blend mode)
- CSS grid
- display flex, flex-direction
- borders, margins, paddings
- media queries
- box shadows
- justify-self, justify-contenet, text align, align-items
- border, border-radious
- coursor pointer
- hover and focus
- transform scale
- transform translate
- position initial, absolute
- open/close navigation menu (small screens) when the user click
Please note that this project is based on tutorial but the code was not copied. Every line of code was written by me according to my invention and with deep understanding of the issues.