A single card consists of the following div:
<div class="card">
<span class="card__value"></span>
<span class="card__minisuit"></span>
<span class="card__mainsuit"></span>
To create a card, add one suit class and one value class to the main div with the card class. See examples below.
- Available suit classes: 'spades', 'hearts', 'diamonds', 'clubs'
- Available value classes: 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5', 'v6', 'v7', 'v8', 'v9', 'v10', 'vJ', 'vQ', 'vK', 'vA'
- Available optional classes: 'cyberpunk', 'back'
<div class="card hearts v10">
<span class="card__value"></span>
<span class="card__minisuit"></span>
<span class="card__mainsuit"></span>
To use the special 'cyberpunk' version of the cards, just add the class 'cyberpunk' to the main div, along with the suit and value classes
<div class="card hearts v10 cyberpunk">
<span class="card__value"></span>
<span class="card__minisuit"></span>
<span class="card__mainsuit"></span>
<div class="card back">
<span class="card__value"></span>
<span class="card__minisuit"></span>
<span class="card__mainsuit"></span>
To change the size of a specific card, you can add a style attribute to the main div or change the .card font-size in style.css
<div class="card spades vK" style="font-size: 50px;">
<span class="card__value"></span>
<span class="card__minisuit"></span>
<span class="card__mainsuit"></span>
- The order of the classes does not matter.
- The 'back' class shouldn't include any suit or value classes. However, it can also include the 'cyberpunk' class.
- To change the size of the card, you can either modify the 'font-size' in .card in style.css file, or add a style attribute to the main div with the desired font-size.
- The card uses Tahoma font family to make sure all symbols are displayed correctly. WARNING: changing the font-family may cause the cards to not display correctly.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.