Browser-Lua project is an abstract wrapper to several alternative backends that allow to run Lua code in browser.
Browser-Lua allows user to call Lua code from JS and JS code from Lua.
Browser-Lua is still in its embryonic phase of development. More detailed description would be added later.
See the copyright information in the file named COPYRIGHT
(None so far)
- lua-alchemy (
- lua5.1.js (
- lua.vm.js (
js-lua ( ljs (
- nacl (
- emscripten (
- jill (, as Java applet (with some js-lua-like wrapper)
- lua.js (
- brozula (
(To be implemented)
BrowserLua.doString(lua_code, [chunkname])
BrowserLua.callLua(functionName, args, ...) --> array of return values
BrowserLua.provideFile(path, file_contents_string)
BrowserLua.callJS(functionName, args, ...) --> return value
BrowserLua.loadfile(filename, chunkname)
Does the equivalent of this:
getenv().dofile = BrowserLua.dofile
getenv().loadfile = BrowserLua.loadfile
(To be designed and implemented)
- Data manipulation API just like lua-alchemy sugar.
- For JS (to manipulate Lua data)
- For Lua (to manipulate JS data)
- Modules, native to backend
- socket module (imitating luasocket.*)