[Agile CRM] (https://www.agilecrm.com/) is a new breed CRM software with sales and marketing automation.
- 1.1 To create a contact
- 1.2 To fetch contact data
- 1.3 To delete a contact
- 1.4 Update properties of a contact (partial update)
- 1.5 Update star value
- 1.6 Update lead score
- 1.7 Update tags by contact id
- 1.8 Adding Tags to a contact based on Email
- 1.9 Delete Tags to a contact based on Email
- 2.1 To create a company
- 2.2 To get a company
- 2.3 To delete a company
- 2.4 Update properties of a company (partial update)
- 2.5 Update star value of a company
- 2.6 Get list of companies
- 2.7 Search Contacts/Companies
- 2.8 Get contacts of a company
- 3.1 To create a deal
- 3.2 To get a deal
- 3.3 To delete a deal
- 3.4 To update deal (Partial update)
- 3.5 Get deals related to specific contact by contact id
- Fill in your AGILE_DOMAIN, AGILE_USER_EMAIL, AGILE_REST_API_KEY in curlwrap_v2.php.
Copy and paste the source / include the curlwrap_v2.php in your php code.
You need to provide 4 paramaters to the curl_wrap function. They are $entity, $data, $method, $content-type.
$entity should be one of "contacts/{id}", "contacts","contacts/edit-properties","contacts/edit/add-star","contacts/edit/lead-score", "opportunity/{id}", "opportunity", "notes", "contacts/{contact_id}/notes", "contacts/{contact_id}/notes/{note_id}", "tasks/{id}", "tasks", "events", "events/{id}", "milestone/pipelines", "milestone/pipelines/{id}", "tags", "contacts/search/email/{email}" depending on requirement.
$data must be stringified JSON.
$data = array(
"Deal Closed"
$data = json_encode($data);
$method can be set to
POST to create an entity (contact, deal, task, event). GET to fetch an entity. PUT to update an entity. DELETE to remove an entity.
$content-type can be set to
- Two folder CurlLib and Tester
- Can directly test Tester's any file after setting domain,email and api key of curlwrap_v2.php (CurlLib folder)
Response is stringified json, can use json_decode to change to json as below example:
$result = curl_wrap("contacts/search/email/test@email.com", null, "GET", "application/json");
$result = json_decode($result, false, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);
$contact_id = $result->id;
$address = array(
"address"=>"Avenida Álvares Cabral 1777",
"city"=>"Belo Horizonte",
"state"=>"Minas Gerais",
$contact_email = "ronaldo100@gmail.com";
$contact_json = array(
"value"=>"de Lima",
"name"=>"TeamNumbers", //This is custom field which you should first define in custom field region.
//Example - created custom field : http://snag.gy/kLeQ0.jpg
"name"=>"Date Of Joining",
"value"=>"1438951923", // This is epoch time in seconds.
$contact_json = json_encode($contact_json);
curl_wrap("contacts", $contact_json, "POST", "application/json");
curl_wrap("contacts/5722721933590528", null, "GET", "application/json");
curl_wrap("contacts/search/email/test@email.com", null, "GET", "application/json");
curl_wrap("contacts/5722721933590528", null, "DELETE", "application/json");
- If updating custom field, make sure it should be present in the below link also
- https://{domain}.agilecrm.com/#custom-fields
$contact_json = array(
"id"=>"5722721933590528", //It is mandatory field. Id of contact
$contact_json = json_encode($contact_json);
curl_wrap("contacts/edit-properties", $contact_json, "PUT", "application/json");
$contact_json = array(
"id"=>"5722721933590528", //It is mandatory field. Id of contact
$contact_json = json_encode($contact_json);
curl_wrap("contacts/edit/add-star", $contact_json, "PUT", "application/json");
$contact_json = array(
"id" => "5722721933590528", //It is mandatory field. Id of contact
"lead_score" => "5"
$contact_json = json_encode($contact_json);
curl_wrap("contacts/edit/lead-score", $contact_json, "PUT", "application/json");
$contact_json = array(
"id" => "5643140853661696", //It is mandatory field. Id of contact
"tags" => array("Player", "Winner")
$contact_json = json_encode($contact_json);
curl_wrap("contacts/edit/tags", $contact_json, "PUT", "application/json");
$fields = array(
'email' => urlencode("haka@gmail.com"),
'tags' => urlencode('["testing"]')
$fields_string = '';
foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
$fields_string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
curl_wrap("contacts/email/tags/add", rtrim($fields_string, '&'), "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
$fields = array(
'email' => urlencode("haka@gmail.com"),
'tags' => urlencode('["testing"]')
$fields_string = '';
foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
$fields_string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
curl_wrap("contacts/email/tags/delete", rtrim($fields_string, '&'), "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
$company_json = array(
"value"=>"test company",
$company_json = json_encode($company_json);
curl_wrap("contacts", $company_json, "POST", "application/json");
curl_wrap("contacts/5695414665740288", null, "GET", "application/json");
curl_wrap("contacts/5695414665740288", null, "DELETE", "application/json")
- If updating custom field, make sure it should be present in the below link
- https://{domain}.agilecrm.com/#custom-fields
$company_json = array(
"id"=>"5695414665740288", //It is mandatory filed. Id of company
"value"=>"test company",
$company_json = json_encode($company_json);
curl_wrap("contacts/edit-properties", $company_json, "PUT", "application/json");
$contact_json = array(
"id"=>5722721933590528, //It is mandatory filed. Id of a company
$contact_json = json_encode($contact_json);
curl_wrap("contacts/edit/add-star", $contact_json, "PUT", "application/json");
- Paging can be applied using the page_size and cursor form parameters. Cursor for the next page will be in the last company of the list. If there is no cursor, it means that it is the end of list.
- Cursor value is optional.For paging cursor is required.
form_fields = array(
'page_size' => urlencode("25"),
'global_sort_key' => urlencode("-created_time"),
'cursor' => urlencode("ClMKFgoMY3JlYXRlZF90aW1lEgYI-rbWrgUSNWoRc35hZ2lsZS1jcm0tY2xvdWRyFAsSB0NvbnRhY3QYgICAkNv0nQoMogEJZ2hhbnNoeWFtGAAgAQ")
$fields_string1 = '';
foreach ($form_fields as $key => $value) {
$fields_string1 .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
$companies = curl_wrap("contacts/companies/list", rtrim($fields_string1, '&'), "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
echo $companies;
- 'q' - Search keyword (all contact/company default fields and searchable custom fields will be searched)
- 'page_size' - Number of results to fetch
- 'type' - Should be 'PERSON' for searching Contacts and 'COMPANY' for Companies
$companies = curl_wrap("search?q=Google&page_size=10&type='COMPANY'", null, "GET", "application/json");
echo $companies;
- 5712911708192768 is the id of a company
$contacts = curl_wrap("contacts/related/5712911708192768?page_size=25", null, "GET", "application/json");
echo $contacts;
- Note Milestone name is case sensitive. It should be exactly as in your Agile CRM
$opportunity_json = array(
"name"=>"test deal",
"description"=>"this is a test deal",
"contact_ids"=>array("5641841626054656", "5756422495141888")
$opportunity_json = json_encode($opportunity_json);
curl_wrap("opportunity", $opportunity_json, "POST", "application/json");
curl_wrap("opportunity/5739083074633728", null, "GET", "application/json");
curl_wrap("opportunity/5739083074633728", null, "DELETE", "application/json");
- Note No need to send all the data of a deal only the deal values want to update.
- If updating custom field, make sure it should be present in the below link also
- https://{domain}.agilecrm.com/#custom-fields
$opportunity_json = array(
"id" => "5756188201320448", //It is mandatory field. Id of deal
"name" => "test deal",
"description" => "this is a test deal",
"expected_value" => 3000,
"milestone" => "Open",
"pipeline_id" => "5756422495141836",
"custom_data" => array(
"name" => "dataone",
"value" => "xyz"
"contact_ids" => array("5732642569846784", "5756422495141888")
$opportunity_json = json_encode($opportunity_json);
curl_wrap("opportunity/partial-update", $opportunity_json, "PUT", "application/json");
curl_wrap("contacts/5739083074633728/deals", null, "GET", "application/json");
$note_json = array(
"subject"=>"test note",
"description"=>"this is a test note",
$note_json = json_encode($note_json);
curl_wrap("notes", $note_json, "POST", "application/json");
curl_wrap("contacts/5722721933590528/notes", null, "GET", "application/json");
$note_json = array(
"description"=>"this is a test note",
$note_json = json_encode($note_json);
curl_wrap("notes", $note_json, "PUT", "application/json");
$task_json = array(
"subject"=>"this is a test task",
$task_json = json_encode($task_json);
curl_wrap("tasks", $task_json, "POST", "application/json");
curl_wrap("tasks/5752207420948480", null, "GET", "application/json");
curl_wrap("tasks/5752207420948480", null, "DELETE", "application/json");
$task_json = array(
"subject"=>"this is a test task",
$task_json = json_encode($task_json);
curl_wrap("tasks/partial-update", $task_json, "PUT", "application/json");
$event_json = array(
"title"=>"this is a test event",
$event_json = json_encode($event_json);
curl_wrap("events", $event_json, "POST", "application/json");
curl_wrap("events/5703789046661120", null, "DELETE", "application/json");
$event_json = array(
"title"=>"this is a test event",
$event_json = json_encode($event_json);
curl_wrap("events", $event_json, "PUT", "application/json");
$milestone_json = array(
"milestones"=>"one, two, three"
$milestone_json = json_encode($milestone_json);
curl_wrap("milestone/pipelines", $milestone_json, "POST", "application/json")
curl_wrap("milestone/pipelines", null, "GET", "application/json");
$milestone_json = array(
"milestones"=>"one, two, three, four"
$milestone_json = json_encode($milestone_json);
curl_wrap("milestone/pipelines", $milestone_json, "PUT", "application/json");
curl_wrap("milestone/pipelines/5659711005261824", null, "DELETE", "application/json");
$userList = curl_wrap("users", null, "GET", NULL);
echo $userList;
$currentUser = curl_wrap("users/current-user", null, "GET", NULL);
echo $currentUser;
- The curlwrap_v*.php is based on https://gist.github.com/apanzerj/2920899 authored by Adam Panzer.