Squarify is a Processing library that implements the squarify treemap layout algorithm. It divides an area into rectangles whose areas is sized based on a set of values, the rectangles being optimized to be as squary as possible.
This library is a translation in Java of an original Python algorithm made by Laserson. Based on algorithm from Bruls, Huizing, van Wijk, "Squarified Treemaps", but implements it differently.
Open up the Contributions Manager in the Processing IDE. Search for Squarify
and install the library.
Go to the releases page of this repo and download the .zip file from there. Unzip it and move it into the libraries folder of your Processing sketches.
You can find a fully working example called UsingSquarify.pde
in this repository.
ArrayList<SquarifiedRect> rects = s.getRects();
Instantiating a Squarify object with values and canvas geometry will give you access to a list of SquarifiedRect
These objects contain each rectangle geomtry data:
is the top left x coordinatey
is the top left y coordinatedx
is the rectangle widthdy
is the rectangle height
As a result, to draw a rectangle on your processing sketch, you can do:
SquarifiedRect r = rects.get(0); // Draws first rect in the list
rect(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getDx(), r.getDy());