Simulates DB for university/school also with implemented automatic data archiving.
Project created for learning purposes and for presenting programming skills.
Created using:
MS SQL Server Version: 2016
Programming language: T-SQL
Create DB from included .bak (backup) file under MS SQL Server
Make "Publish..." for project under the MS Visual Studio.
Dedicated front-end for DB presentation and usage is located in repository:
Project consist of folders:
- Archived - Archived crucial data after their deletion from DB (example: Students with their referenced data after deletion are stored to archive tables)
- DatabaseBackup - Contains .bak (backup) file of DB
- Inserts - Script with inserting example data
- Listeners - Tables with Students data and procedures for operations on these tables
- Staff - Tables with Staff data and procedures for operations on these tables
- Studies - Tables with University/School structure data and procedures for operations on these tables
- Utilities - Dictionary tables and procedures for operations on these tables
- Utils - Helper functions, procedures and views
Folder names are also names for schemas.