An artificially intelligent Tic Tac Toe gaming application where the computer is unbeatable.
The application is built using python and the user interface is implemented using Python's Tkinter library Below is the list of files and their purpose:
- - the main application
- - contains classes that creates the game board
- - contains classes with methods that contains artificial intelligence functionaly
- - contains the page and frame controller for the UI
- - contains the templates, i.e. pages and frames to be rendered by the controller
- - contains unit tests for the boards and AI classes
- - can be used for developement purposes, since it runs the game without any UI
The main motivation was to build a game for my final project for my Data Structures course. The power of recursion was very interesting, so I wanted to explore it in depth. Also, I wanted to challenge myself by learning a new concept not taught in the class. So, I learned about Decision Tress, and use that concept, and the Mini-Max algorithm to make this project. The desired outcome of this project was to create an artificially intelligent game with and user interface.
To run this application you will need Python 2.7 and the following libraries
- NumPy
- Tkinter
To run the application with UI you have to run the file.
The game works properly for the 3X3 game board, however it requires enormous amount of computation power to calculate correct moves for the AI in a 4x4 game board. Possible approaaches are to use a differenc heuristic algorithm