Cobertura Console Reporter produces an easy to read console output for
Coverlet output files (coverage.cobertura.xml
) when
generated through the dotnet
cli using the --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage"
Download the latest binaries for your platform here:
As Python module:
python -m cobertura_console_reporter --coverage-file <path_to_coverage_cobertura_xml_file> [--package <package_name>] [--warning-threshold <number>]
As Windows binary:
ccr.exe --coverage-file <path_to_coverage_cobertura_xml_file> [--package <package_name>] [--warning-threshold <number>]
As Mac/Linux binary:
ccr --coverage-file <path_to_coverage_cobertura_xml_file> [--package <package_name>] [--warning-threshold <number>]
Arg | Description |
--coverage-file | Path to the coverage.cobertura.xml file produced by Coverlet. |
--package | [Optional] Name of the .NET package (project) to display output for. |
--warning-threshold | [Optional] Coverage percentage to display as a warning (defaults to 90). |
Below is a sample snippet can be added to a .ps1
PowerShell script to download the tool and extract ccr.exe
to the .bin/
folder in your project's directory.
$rootDir = (get-item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName
# **************************************************************************************
# Check Test Coverage Reporter Tool
# **************************************************************************************
$binDir = "$rootDir\.bin"
if ((Test-Path $binDir\ccr.exe)) {
Write-Host "Test coverage reporter tool found. Skipping download." -ForegroundColor Green
else {
$ccrVersion = "v1.3.0"
$toolSrc = "$($ccrVersion)/ccr_windows_$($ccrVersion)"
$toolDest = "$binDir\"
If (!(test-path -PathType container $binDir)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $binDir | Out-Null
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($toolSrc, $toolDest)
Expand-Archive $toolDest -DestinationPath $binDir
Remove-Item $toolDest
Write-Host "Test coverage console tool downloaded to $binDir." -ForegroundColor Green
The below script can be used to run your tests. This script assumes that all of your .NET test projects are contained in a test/
directory, and they all have a package dependency of coverlet.collector
. It will loop through all test projects in that directory, execute tests, generate coverage reports (to .test-coverage/
) and execute the coverage report tool. You may need to modify this sample to fit your needs.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Configuration name (e.g. Release, Debug)")]
[string]$configuration = "Debug"
$status = 0
$rootDir = (get-item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName
$binDir = "$rootDir\.bin"
# Find test projects
$testProjects = Get-ChildItem -Path $rootDir\test -Filter *.csproj -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object { $_ }
# Remove old Coverlet coverage reports
$coverageDir = "$rootDir\.test-coverage"
if (Test-Path $coverageDir) {
Remove-Item $coverageDir -Recurse -Force
# Define Coverlet exclusions dictionary (keyed by project name)
$exclusions = @{
"SampleApp.Domain" = @(
"SampleApp.Persistence.SqlServer" = @(
"SampleApp.WebAPI" = @(
foreach ($testProject in $testProjects) {
# Determine project name, used for console output as well as coverage reporter's package filter setting
$projectName = ($testProject.Basename -replace ".Tests", "")
# Get exclusion list specific to the current test run
if ($exclusions.ContainsKey($projectName)) {
$exclude = ($exclusions[$projectName] | ForEach-Object { "[$projectName]" + $_ }) -join ","
Write-Host "Executing tests for $($testProject.Name)..." -ForegroundColor Blue
# execute tests, collecting results using Coverlet
dotnet test $testProject.FullName --no-build -c $configuration `
--results-directory $coverageDir `
--collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" `
-- DataCollectionRunSettings.DataCollectors.DataCollector.Configuration.Exclude="$exclude"
if ($status -eq 0) {
# Find Coverlet coverage report that coincides with current test run
$coverageFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $coverageDir -Filter "coverage.cobertura.xml" `
-Recurse -File | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
# Execute the coverage reporting tool for test coverage console output
& $binDir\ccr.exe --coverage-file $coverageFile.FullName --package $projectName
# Write the exclusions used for the test coverage console output
if ($exclude) {
Write-Host "Coverage Exclusions:" -ForegroundColor Blue
$exclusions[$projectName] | ForEach-Object { Write-Host " $_" -ForegroundColor Blue }
exit $status
These scripts are aimed to normalize script patterns across projects and platforms (based on Scripts to Rule Them All).
Script | Description |
./scripts/setup.{ps1, sh} |
Deletes the existing Python virtual environment if it exists and runs bootstrap . |
./scripts/bootstrap.{ps1, sh} |
Checks if Python is installed at the minimum version.Creates and activates a Python virtual environment.Installs Python dependencies from the requirements files. |
./scripts/test.{ps1, sh} |
Executes unit tests. |
./scripts/build.{ps1, sh} |
Builds the application as a single executable under the /dist directory using PyInstaller. |
When running the
script on Linux using pyenv
to manage Python versions, you
may need to install Python enabling shared libraries:
env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared" pyenv install 3.9.9