A clone of the classic Pac-Man game written using C++. SFML graphics library is used for graphics rendering and CMAKE is used for building the project.
- Compatible compiler for SFML (check download instructions)
- Add SFML to the environment variables or to the project directory
- If using VS Code, select the compatible build toolkit (for example, mingw for mingw builds)
- Build the project and execute "PAC-MAN.exe"
- The game currently has 5 different levels
- The following notation is used for constructing the map/arena:
- -1 ==> empty space
- 1 ==> walls
- 0 ==> normal pill
- 2 ==> large pill
- Navigate to assets/maps and open the required txt file. Update the map as per the above convention and save the changes.
Although it is possible to add a new arena in the current build, the process is not trivial. A simpler solution is WIP.