An Elixir implementation of the DigitalOcean API v2.
From their documentation:
The DigitalOcean API allows you to manage Droplets and resources within
the DigitalOcean cloud in a simple, programmatic way using conventional
HTTP requests. The endpoints are intuitive and powerful, allowing you to
easily make calls to retrieve information or to execute actions.
All of the functionality that you are familiar with in the DigitalOcean
control panel is also available through the API, allowing you to script
the complex actions that your situation requires.
The API documentation will start with a general overview about the design
and technology that has been implemented, followed by reference information
about specific endpoints.
This Elixir DigitalOcean (DO) API gives you access to the API through three means:
- A command line escript tool called
- A set of mix tasks
doex *
, or - Directly from Elixir code using
Each one of the mechanism above allow you to automate your infrastructure needs, it more comes down to preference and environment.
The library name is somewhat of an acryonym for Digital Ocean (do) and Elixir (ex). It is pronounced "Doakes" after the excellent character in Dexter, no other symbolism to the character, just liked it and it followed with the Elixir convention of putting 'ex' somewhere in the library name.
To install the doex
command line tool (whose only dependency is Erlang), then
you can install it using escript.
# Install from GitHub
mix escript.install github aforward/doex
# Install form
mix escript.install hex doex
If you see a warning like
warning: you must append "~/.mix/escripts" to your PATH
if you want to invoke escripts by name
Then, make sure to update your PATH variable. Here's how on a Mac OS X, but each environment is slightly different.
vi ~/.bash_profile
# Add a line like the following
export PATH
Start a new terminal session. You will know it's working when you can find it using where
where doex
To install a specific version, branch, tag or commit, adjust any one of the following
# Install from a specific version
mix escript.install hex doex 0.11.0
# Install from the latest of a specific branch
mix escript.install github aforward/doex branch git_branch
# Install from a specific tag
mix escript.install github aforward/doex tag git_tag
# Install from a specific commit
mix escript.install github aforward/doex ref git_ref
Again, checkout mix escript.install for more information about installing global tasks.
If you have an Elixir project that you want to interact with the
DigitalOcean API, then you install the app by adding a dependency
to your mix.exs
@deps [
doex: "~> 0.10"
This will give you access to doex *
tasks (instead of globally installing
the doex
escript). You will also have programtic access from your Doex
as well; so you could expose feature directly within your application as well.
Before you can use the DO API, you will need to configure access to your DigitalOcean account. For this, you will need your API TOKEN
Let's say your token is ABC123, then configure it as follows:
# using escript
doex init
doex config token ABC123
# using mix tasks
doex init
doex config token ABC123
And to confirm it's set, run
doex config
And the output should look similar to:
ssh_keys: []
token: "ABC123"
url: ""
Notice the empty ssh_keys
. Please look at DO documentation on SSH Keys
and configure them right away. With the SSH Keys set, you will have secure
and passwordless access to your new droplet, enabling more convient scripting. To
retrieve your SSH Key IDs, run the following command
# using escript
doex get /account/keys
# using mix tasks
doex get /account/keys
The output will be similar to the following, and it's the IDs you want.
%{"links" => %{}, "meta" => %{"total" => 2},
"ssh_keys" => [%{"fingerprint" => "18:19:20:21:22:23:24:25:26:27:28:29:30:31:32:33",
"id" => 555213, "name" => "mbp",
"public_key" => "ssh-dss ABC123"},
%{"fingerprint" => "19:20:21:22:23:24:25:26:27:28:29:30:31:32:33:34",
"id" => 555214, "name" => "andrew13mbp",
"public_key" => "ssh-rsa DEF456"}]}}
From the example above (please adjust for your output), the IDs are 555213
, and 555214
These can be set by running
doex config ssh_keys 555213 555214
Now, every droplet you create will, by default (and can be overwritten), be accessible by all computers that have those public/private keys.
To get help on the available commands, run
# using escript
# using mix tasks
mix doex
The output will look similar to the following
doex v0.6.1
doex is a API client for Digital Ocean's API v2.
Available tasks:
doex block # Block the command line until a condition is met
doex config # Reads, updates or deletes Doex config
doex delete # Execute a Digital Ocean API DELETE request
doex droplets.create # Create a droplet on Digital Ocean
doex # Locate a droplet ID, by name or tag (--tag)
doex droplets.tag # Tag a droplet.
doex get # Execute a Digital Ocean API GET request
doex id # Locate a ID of a resource, by name or tag (--tag)
doex imagelets.create # Create a DitigalOcean snapshot based on available templates
doex init # Initialize your doex config
doex ip # Get the IP of a droplet
doex ls # List your resources.
doex post # Execute a Digital Ocean API POST request
doex put # Execute a Digital Ocean API PUT request
doex scp # Secure copy a file from <src> to your droplet's <target>
doex snapshots.create # Creates a snapshot of an existing Digital Ocean droplet
doex ssh # Execute a command on your droplet
doex ssh.hostkey # Add the droplet hostkey to the executing server
Further information can be found here:
Please note that the mix tasks and doex scripts provide identical functionality, they are just structured slightly differently.
In general,
mix doex.<sub command> <options> <args>
for mix tasksdoex <sub command> <options> <args>
for escript
Make sure that have installed doex correctly for mix tasks (if you want to use mix tasks), or escript (if you want to use escript).
These features are also available from within Elixir through Doex
this gives you better programmatic access to return data (presented as a map),
but in most cases probably is not required to automate your infrastructure.
If we start an iEX session in your project that includes the doex dependency, you can access the same information in Elixir.
iex> Doex.config
%{ssh_keys: [], token: "ABC123", url: ""}
The underlying API calls are made through
iex> h Doex.Api
The source
is the DO API endpoint after the url
provided above, so to
access your account information, you would run
iex> Doex.Api.get("/account")
OR, you can go through the more generic call
, providing the arguments in a map.
iex>, %{source: "/account"})
If your configurations are messed up (or other errors occur), it will look similar to
"Expected a 200, received 401",
%{"id" => "unauthorized", "message" => "Unable to authenticate you."}}
If things are working as expected, a success message looks like
%{"account" => %{"droplet_limit" => 99, "email" => "",
"email_verified" => true, "floating_ip_limit" => 5, "status" => "active",
"status_message" => "",
"uuid" => "abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh"}}}
To send a POST command, for example creating a new droplet, you can run
%{name: "dplet001",
region: "tor1",
size: "s-1vcpu-1gb",
image: "ubuntu-18-04-x64",
ssh_keys: [12345],
backups: false,
ipv6: true,
user_data: nil,
private_networking: nil,
volumes: nil,
tags: ["dplet001"]})
OR, you can go through the more generic call
%{source: "/droplets",
body: %{name: "dplet001",
region: "tor1",
size: "s-1vcpu-1gb",
image: "ubuntu-18-04-x64",
ssh_keys: [12345],
backups: false,
ipv6: true,
user_data: nil,
private_networking: nil,
volumes: nil,
tags: ["dplet001"]}})
The underlying configs are stored in Doex.Worker
(OTP GenServer).
If you change your configurations and need them reloaded, then call
and can be reloaded using
iex> Doex.reload
At present, there are no client specific convenience methods, but when there are they will be located in
iex> h Doex.Client
Copyright (c) 2017 Andrew Forward
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. See the file for more details.