Utilities for A-Eye Unit Servers:
"Sweet Dreams":
Connect to our server via ssh and a private ssh key
ssh -i <private key location> <username>@
This assumes your pubic key has been added to the server and your private key is exported from putty in the proper format
To transfer files:
pscp -i <private key location> <source> <destination>
Example of transfer a file C:\example.txt to our remote machine for user 'ollie'
pscp -i C:\.ssh\id_rsa.pem C:\example.txt ollie@
Example to transfer all files from a remote location to a new location:
pscp -r -i C:\.ssh\id_rsa.pem ollie@ Q:\\files\\downloads\\
To forward ports to the remote server (Rrequires your password) This forwards port 8889 via ssh to the remote server
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8889:localhost:8889 <username>@
You can then on the remote server start a notebook on that port and use it on your laptop/terminal by going to localhost:8889 The & symbol allows the process to run in the background without tying up a terminal. Adding 'nohup' allows you to disconnect from the terminal and have your notebook continue.
nohup jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8889 &
Current reserved ports for Jupyter Notebooks (so we don't interfere):
- Robert: 8899,98
- Mark: 8889,90
- Apoorva: 8891,92
- Mohammed: 8893,94
Currently Reserved Ports for Tensorboard
- Robert: 6001/2
- Mark: 6003/4
- Apoorva: 6005/6
- Mohammed: 6007/8
The "Y" drive is mounted on both servers at /mnt/share/Y
ALWAYS Check GPU usage before running: