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Pretty Good Release

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@aegean-odyssey aegean-odyssey released this 09 Dec 22:46
· 245 commits to master since this release

Pretty Good Release! - 119r03

Here's a mostly working, seemingly stable release. Calibration, bed leveling, printing from the SD card seem to work fairly reliably. Notable changes:

  • printing from the USB port seems to work now, no longer causing the machine to fault -- I'm still testing, though;

  • fixed G29 P0 G-code that would run out-of-sequence depending on the conditions of the command buffer, now executes when it's suppose to;

Things to work on (in no particular order):

  • improve printing speed to closer match time estimates of slicing program;

  • implement a UI for the M600 (change filament) code;

  • implement a UI for the M1/M0 (wait for input) code;

  • create a model for bed leveling that incorporates the realities of this particular printer;

Install the firmware

We can use the machine's boot loader to easily update the firmware with a micro SD card. { A little note, here -- the boot loader is a bit finicky about micro SD cards. I've successfully used the card that came with my Monoprice MP Mini Delta. }:

  • choose a bin file to install (-05ALimit.bin for 60watt power adapters)
  • copy to the micro SD card (root directory), and rename the file as "firmware.bin"
  • also on the micro SD card (root directory), create a file named "fcupdate.flg"
  • power up the printer with the card installed
    (the LED should flash white for about 10s, then flash briefly green, and return to solid white)
    programming is complete!
  • delete the files, fcupdate.flg and firmware.bin, from the card

Calibrate the printer

From a computer attached via the USB port, the following G/M-codes can be used to calibrate the printer and set the bed leveling. The M500 command saves the settings to EEPROM (actually FLASH) memory.

G28         ; home
G33         ; calibrate the printer
M851 Z0     ; set the probe offset to zero
G28         ; home (for new offset)
G29         ; create a bed level mesh
M851 Z0.45  ; set the probe offset (yours may vary)
M500        ; save 


Print as you'd normally do on the printer. At the start of each print job, the following gcode should be added: a G28 followed by G28 P0. These two commands will home the print head and calibrate the z height by tapping the build plate at {0,0,0}. More elaborate startup gcode for your slicing program can be found in the, but what is here should be sufficient.

G28     ; home
G29 P0  ; auto zero height


Feedback is appreciated.

Status: untested