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Usable Release

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@aegean-odyssey aegean-odyssey released this 25 Nov 04:08
· 261 commits to master since this release

A Usable Release ! - 119r02

Here's a mostly working, seemingly stable release. Calibration, bed leveling, printing from the SD card seem to work fairly reliably. What is most notably NOT WORKING is printing from the USB port.

Install the firmware

We can use the machine's boot loader to easily update the firmware with a micro SD card. { A little note, here -- the boot loader is a bit finicky about micro SD cards. I've successfully used the card that came with my Monoprice MP Mini Delta. }:

  • choose a bin file to install (-05ALimit.bin for 60watt power adapters)
  • copy to the micro SD card (root directory), and rename the file as "firmware.bin"
  • also on the micro SD card (root directory), create a file named "fcupdate.flg"
  • power up the printer with the card installed
    (the LED should flash white for about 10s, then flash briefly green, and return to solid white)
    programming is complete!
  • delete the files, fcupdate.flg and firmware.bin, from the card

Calibrate the printer

From a computer attached via the USB port, the following G/M-codes can be used to calibrate the printer and set the bed leveling. The M500 command saves the settings to EEPROM (actually FLASH) memory.

G28         ; home
G33         ; calibrate the printer
M851 Z0     ; set the probe offset to zero
G28         ; home (for new offset)
G29         ; create a bed level mesh
M851 Z0.45  ; set the probe offset (yours may vary)
M500        ; save 


Print as you'd normally do on the printer. At the start of each print job, the following gcode should be added: a G28 followed by G28 P0. These two commands will home the print head and calibrate the z height by tapping the build plate at {0,0,0}. More elaborate startup gcode for your slicing program can be found in the, but what is here should be sufficient.

G28     ; home
G29 P0  ; auto zero height


Feedback is appreciated.

Status: untested