Universal application installer for IBM i
To build an application installation image:
Usage: java -jar appinstall-ibmi-xxx.jar -o <package_file> [options] [[component]...]
<package_file> is the file name of the build package you are creating
(.jar file extension is preferred)
Valid options include:
-v : verbose mode
--version : print version information
-h/--help : print this help
--lodrun <library> : save QINSTAPP program from <library> to be used by LODRUN, below
--spec <file> : a specification file listing application components
Multiple components can be specified. These identify components
of the application for which you are creating an installer.
Valid component values include:
--qsys <library> : a library in the QSYS.LIB file system
--dir <dir> : a directory (contents are not included)
--file <file/dir> : a file or directory (if a directory, contents are included)
--pre <file> : a pre-install script (only one can be specified)
--post <file> : a post-install script (only one can be specified)
--spec <file> : a specification file listing application components
The resulting file is a runnable .jar
file that will install the application!
Usage: java -jar <package_file> [option]
Valid options include:
-v : verbose mode
-y : automatically reply 'Y' to all confirmation (install/delete) messages
-c : automatically reply 'Y' to all non-destructive (install) confirmation messages
-l/--lodrun : do LODRUN instead of directly restoring (if specified, the following --rstxxx options are ignored)
--rstlib <library> : override restore library
--rstasp <asp> : override restore asp
--rstaspdev <aspdev> : override restore asp device