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DataEvent Fields

fritzrichter edited this page Aug 15, 2018 · 3 revisions

The following table provides an overview of the fields you can transmit to the adsquare endpoints.

Parameter Description Datatype Example Android Example iOS
utc_timestamp The time at which this location was determined [in sec] Long 1508369672 1508356559
latitude Latitude of the device in degrees Decimal 37.773972 37.773972
longitude Longitude of the device in degrees Decimal -122.431297 -122.431297
horizontal_accuracy The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters. Decimal 23.6700000762 12.323
altitude Altitude in meters above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid Decimal 0.0 0.456
vertical_accuracy The accuracy of the altitude value, measured in meters. Decimal 5.3
id_type 'aaid' for identifying android advertising type String [aaid, idfa] aaid idfa
ad_id Advertising identifier (MAID) String (UUID) f109e57e-a02e-41d3-b7c4-c906d1b92331 12a451dd-3539-4092-b134-8cb0ef62ab8a
ad_opt_out Flag that indicates whether user has enabled "limit ad tracking" Boolean false false
device_manufacturer Manufacturer of device String motorola Apple
device_model Model of device String Moto G (5S) Plus iPhone 7
os Operating system installed on Device. String Android 7.1.1 iOS 11.0.3
location_method Method of location collected String ["wifi", "cellular", "fused", "gps", “ip”, “user”,“beacon”] gps ip
location_context Android: Indicates whether the location was collected when the application was foregrounded or backgrounded on the device. IOS:A string value representing the state of the location when it was collected. Possible value - unknown, passive, regular, visit_entry, visit_exit String [bground,fground, unknown, passive, regular, visit_entry, visit_exit] bground fground
carrier_name Name of the mobile network carrier String T Mobile T Mobile
wifi_ssid A string value representing the ssis of the wifi to which the device is connected to String Jungle Jungle
wifi_bssid A string value representing the bssid of the wifi to which the device is connected to String 10:fe:ed:8d:b5:7c 10:fe:ed:8d:b5:7c
connection_type Device’s network connection type String [wifi, cellular] wifi wifi
publisher_name Publisher name OpenRTB: “site > publisher > name” String Publisher A Publisher A
app_bundle The platform-specific application identifier intended to be unique to the app and independent of the exchange or publisher. On Android, this should be a bundle or package name (e.g. On iOS, it is a numeric ID. OpenRTB: “app > bundle” String 284882215
hashed_email The hashed email of the user, which is using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. The original email must be trimmed of whitespace and lower-cased before hashing. String <32-byte hash value> <32-byte hash value>
ip The IP address of the device. String
url The URL of the page, and user visited String
ext_segments A list of external segment identifiers (replacing) List [EXT_SEG_ID_1, EXT_SEG_ID_2] [EXT_SEG_ID_1, EXT_SEG_ID_2]
custom_attributes A custom optional map of additional data, not used so far Map<String, String>
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